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Tomorrow we are leaving by sundown i was in a tent but I kept hearing noises outside I never liked the dark it always scared me since the maze I stayed hiding under my blankets scared to death no one knew I was afraid of the dark I was frankly quite good at hiding it but right now I was really scared it was pitch black I decided to go to Aris tent but when I unzipped my tent it was so dark that I got scared and went back in maybe I could telepathically tell him to come over well it's worth a shot




Aris please wake up (I whispered)

Huh? What's wrong y/n? (He said in a sleepy voice)


So like
(Tears start dropping down my face)

I'm kinda scared you know I never told you but I'm like really scared of the dark and I woke up in the middle of the night now I'm scared and I'm sorry I woke you up I know I'm being annoy-

End of telepathy *

I get cut off by a pair of lips smashing into mine and a hand wiping my tears away "shh hey it okay I'm here princess clam down I'll stay with you okay" aris said in a calming voice I nodded as he zipped the tent and laid down pulling me extremely close to him as he Hugs me brushing my hair to clam me down "hey go to sleep okay princess"I nodded "okay"I sniffed as he kissed me again then pulled away kissing my forehead I wrapped my leg around him as I can hear him chuckle as I do so I hugged him tighter "my prince" I whispered in his chest he giggled "promise me you'll never leave me" I told airs "never"he replied "pinky promise" I took my pinky out and he connected his "pinky promise" then he kissed my hand and didn't let go of my pinky he held it there as I drifted off to sleep

I woke up the next morning to aris stroking my hair "good morning princess"aria spoke in a whisper "g-good ahh morning" I said yawning he scoffed out a laugh "hey let's go get breakfast aye" "no" aris said in a baby voice "why are you not hungry?" I asked "I don't care I want to hug you come" with that aris pulled me down next to him hugging me making sure I wasn't about to leave "your s-squishing me" "good" he answered I laughed I never seen him act like such a baby we stayed there for another 20 minutes when I convinced him to come out for food I heard his stomach growling "someone's hungry"I smirked "who said I was hungry for food" aris smirked "ARIS !" I hit the top of his head "ouch" he bursted out laughing "you deserved it"I sassed back "and you deserve this he kissed me on the cheek which made me blush "there you go again blushing" aris smirked again "oh stick it aris" me and aris playfully bickered back and fourth tell we got to the group which was all looking at us smirking probably because of the way we were bickering "ARIS JONES!" aris quickly put his hands up when I said his full name the others bursted laughing while some of the girls let out an ooooo it was fun we hadn't had that in a long time

Time skip
Aris was down by the fire with Sonya and Harriet as well as lily I was walking around the top of the mountain the guys were not far from me so I decided to ease drop "you know I kinda like that kid he ain't half bad" fry spoke "yeah still don't trust him tho" Minho said jokingly I joined in "he is kinda a dork I must add" I said making them all jump I let out a chuckle "Jesus y/n scared of half to death" Minho spoke "yeah that was kinda the whole point"I playfully glare at him "hey long bean" "hey sis" "where's Thomas and Teresa?" I asked "oh Thomas went to look for her up there I don't know" "oh I looked over to see Thomas running down "guys why's Thomas running" I asked worried all the guys looked worried then we heard it bergs they found us I got up running I had to get the others especially lily and aris I couldn't let anything happen to them not now not ever when I finally got down BOOM! I bomb went off I got to aris and lily pulling them away "are you okay" aris asked checking me "yeah are y'all" they nodded Vince then handed us gus and we started shooting upon shooting guards down it was like a war breaking down I told lily to stay close to me as she did fire every where dead bodies the others had joined us except Thomas where the hell was he. I don't know then boom a guard threw a grenade that shocked us all to the group and damn did it hurt the picked us up shoving us in a line Janson kicked me in the stomach in front of aris to make me fall next to him "YAH YOU BASTARD DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" Aris yelled back which janson scoffed and slapped me across the face cutting my lip making me bleed I couldn't do much guards holding me down hands tied back but let's just say aris was pissed the hell of now "YOU'LL REGRET THAT YOU RAT" aris said anger lacing his mouth the he turned to be seeing the blood on my lip not only made him more worried but more pissed "hey hey calm down okay I'm okay" I assured aris making him clam down a bit I didn't want him getting into trouble who knows what these people could pull next then that witch I should have known Teresa came and stood next to Ava the others were asking what was going on but I knew perfectly well what was going on "you traitor" I whispered under my breath only aris heard me looking worried at me but quickly looking at Teresa like he wanted to send he down a scorching volcano "where's Thomas?!" That stupid rat man spoke "I'm here" the others looked at him asking him why he didn't run but they should know Thomas isn't the type to risk his friends to save his own like they checked our necks shouting letters and numbers then they picked up Sonya aris and Minho putting people in the bergs "let them go you monster!" I shouted "oh y/n you may not see it now but I am no monster just a doctor who swore to find a cure" "don't you get it there is no shucking cure!" Fry yelled "you sick" I spoke Ava signed "you used to listen so well" "what does that mean!" I asked telling "you used to do as told daughter but ever since you fell for that boy Aris and made friends with these kids you've changed" I froze no there no way "WHAT?!" I asked yelling "yes y/n your my daughter and we did what we had to do" I froze I couldn't move or talk everyone was looking at me in shock but my blood started to boil "YOUR TELLING ME THERE WAS NO OTHER SHUCKING WAY OTHER THAN KILLING INNOCENT CHILDREN AND IM NOT YOUR DAUGHTER NEVER WILL BE YOU A MONSTER" I yelled she looked shock but also hurt I didn't care she deserved it the thomas got up "let them go or I'm blowing this place up"he said holding a bomb we all looked shocked but me and the gladers joined him ready for what had to happen next "no Thomas please don't do this"Teresa begged him "then why did you do this"I asked her anger lacing my words she looked down not saying a word then BEEP!BEEP! I looked behind us"BRENDA JORGE" I've never been so happy to see them they handed us guns as Minho and aris got out of the guards grip fighting back but just when I wasn't paying attention they got shot electrocuted falling to the ground as the guards took them in "NO!" I screamed everyone turned realizing what happened I ran but it was to late the berg was to high I fell to my knee crying t-they took Minho Sonya Aris but not just that they took lily those bastards I told her they wouldn't take her I sobbed newt and Brenda came running to me trying to calm me down "hey hey it's okay we're gonna find them don't worry sis"newt assured me hugging me as I cried in his shoulder "we promised" Brenda added holding my hand newt picked me up my leg was burning with pain I ran and fought back putting so much force on it when it wasn't healed he carried me over setting me on a rock next to him rubbing my back to calm me down my heart hurt I just got what I loved most ripped away from me what now?..........

What will happen next will they find Aris Minho Sonya and lily
Will there be a price to pay if they do
Find out in the next book see you soon stick ;)

Alone girl in the scorch or is she ? (Aris x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now