Hide and run dont get caught

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I heard bergs "shuck" I said under my breath "shhh" i told lily she nodded i knew cranks were here many I could tell by the smell
BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The building was falling I grabbed lily running across the room avoiding all the cranks which I noticed were tied up we made it to a back door running out but I saw guards running out I ran hiding under the buildings lifted floor not the best for a building that burning down but the only option we have soon the guards left being the coward they are anyways I got out pulling lily out running that building was gonna collapse any second now we ran and ran
BOOM! We heard again the building collapsed we kept running until far way from the place that was close wckd was there I didn't need to go back I didn't want to become no test subject in a lab again me and lily were panting from all the running we found a rock nearby and laid "Okay mr rock imma call you klunk" I spoke which lily laughed at "thanks klunk" lily said sarcastically we stayed there for a while after about two hours of calming down and trying to figure out what to do the sun began to come up we got up and took our stuff decided we just needed to keep heading to the mountains it's the only thing we could do the only hope we had if safety like usual we walked and walked in the burning sun our lips dry from not having water no food either we were hungry it had been 2 days now from the explosion that happened back at that building with wckd we barely took breaks thinking we needed to get to the mountains as soon as possible before we die from dehydration we weren't far now maybe two days worth away from the mountains we did stumble upon some cranks but we were able to sneak passed them without getting caught good thing to I don't think any of us had the energy to fight we could barely walk straight without or knees becoming jelly but we were close so close "h-hey lily" my voice came out horsey she looked at me waiting for me to continue "let's find a place to rest for tonight we aren't far we've walked for so long we need to gain some type of energy to keep going for the next two days" she nodded we sat down no rocks to hide behind now our pillows had been dirty and ripped apart from everything that we had gone through our blanket used to be white now dark brown spots covered it all over with big holes we laid down I let out a sigh as I see the sun setting slowly despairing behind the mountains "please be safe" I whispered to myself looking deep into the mountains as my eyes went heavy deep sleep taking my body

Kinda short but hope you enjoys sticks

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