Why you agian

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I woke up sun hitting my face pure heat taking my body I shook lily awake and slowly got up my bones hurt like they were being stabbed everytime I stood my bruises didn't help either the only thing that did get better was my dislocated shoulder that I pushed back into place lily she was also worn out but thankfully not hurt like I was I would take the pain from her any day she stood up and sleepily wobbled to me I let out a giggle it was cute she grabbed her bag and we went off just two more days I told myself just two more days we walked and walked today we made it closer than I thought we would we could get there tomorrow I was sure of it maybe by sundown but we could make it it made me light up with joy but we had to rest I took Lily's hand and walked to a tiny rock up ahead nothing that could really cover us well but it would have to do "imma call this one bob" lily spoke I nodded in agreement as we both let out a horsey giggle and sat down lily fell asleep in my arms but I couldn't really sleep I was too excited would I be able to see Aris again maybe my other friends too could it be I sure hope so I sure hope we're not walking into another one of wckds traps I hugged lily tight as my eyes began to get heavy then they snapped back open


I saw light the same light I saw when those men came I freaked out shaking lily awake she looked confused but the second she saw it she looked in her bag frantic as did I she pulled out her knife and I pulled out the middle pole I got from the wckd building we looked Over the rock and there they were big bulky men but today's there was more about 14 men I gulped how the heck were we bloody gonna do this they were coming for us no doubt but there was no point in running we couldn't out run the cars they stopped in front of us as we stepped out from behind the rock we looked at each man and I looked at lily we nodded to each other and we began to fight for our lives I took on 9 men and lily took 5 stabbing then I hit two with the pole across the head knocking the unconscious but I was also getting hit by bats over and over again but I had to ignore some of the hits I had to fight I had to live one hit be across my stomach and I flew back hitting my back against the rock knocking the air out of me but I stood back up and fought again I was not about to die and let lily to fight these men I knocked down to more lily had 3 left I focus on mine but get the pole knocked out my hand by one of the men I had to fight eight my bare hands now I had no choice I took a deep breath and started punching I managed to knock one out I don't even know how but I did I turned and kicked one where the sun don't shine b* taking there bat and hitting them over the head causing them to pass out lily had one more but then the bat got knocked out my hand flying far behind me "shi*" I mutter under my breath and then I get hit with a brick to the leg my leg that had the limp "AHHHHH"I screamed out in pain my leg and knee was turned bright red and then getting darker it was bad I took the brick and threw it at the guy head knocking him out when I look to lily I see the man he grabbed her knife my eye widen he stabbed the knife into her "LILY!!!" I stood up grabbed a bat hitting the man in the head knocking him out I ran to lily "lily lily it's okay your gonna be okay I'm gonna get you help I promise" I said frantic she nodded and I picked her up my leg screaming at me my limp becoming 10 times worse but I didn't care all I cared about was lily so I put lily in my arms bridal style and ran I ran like I never ran before I wasn't far from the mountains due to all the fighting we had moved pretty close to them please please help us help her when we get there anyone please I prayed in my head as I ran I picked up the shirt of Aris that I had and placed It on her wound she was In pain but I had hope she would make it she had too

Will lily make it ....
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Alone girl in the scorch or is she ? (Aris x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now