32. The Pieces Fall Together

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No One Pov

Yusei, Jack, Crow, Akiza and the twins immediately fall to their knees right after experience what felt like a lifetime of memories and events. They all looked at each other before noticing they were back at the temple. The sky was now a deep purple shade with stars littered around it. Torches were lit and they stood on what looked like the Crimson Dragon. Everyone on their own part. Yusei on the head, Jack and Akiza on the wings, Luna and Leo as the hand and the bomb and Crow as the tail. Roman was now gone as well as the clones. 

"Yusei, Crow and Akiza! What were you thinking running off like that!" Jack was the first to break the silence with his harsh voice. Yusei didn't respond to the voice, he stayed on his knees trying to steady his breathing. Crow ran his hands through his hair and Akiza just shook her head. 

"Whatever we went through, don't know if you saw it too, was probably the most confusing thing I have witnessed. Did any of you know that (Y/N) knew the duelling legends Jaden and Alexis Yuki? Because we didn't" Crow responded before slightly trembling. He looked to Akiza to finish the next part. 

"And apparently she...she was.." Akiza struggled to get the next part out. Yusei still hasn't moved and Jack and the twins stood there dumbstruck. 

"She was the one who caused the explosion" Crow finished as he sobbed again. That caught Yusei's attention. 

"Did she saw anything in...in Arabic before your vision ended? She or I guess her past, past self said to protect her future self and to forgive her...before she collapsed next to her mother who..." Yusei asked, his eyes held an unknown emotion. They all looked shocked, knowing what he was leading onto. Not even Crow knew anything about her birthmother. 

"She said to protect the hope for the future and to forgive her...before she - her body was covered in a Crimson light..." Akiza said looking over to the twins and Jack.

"Our answer might not match yours because we weren't in any of Roman's memories. We were in the memories of a duel spirit with blue-hair. We never got her name. But when (Y/N) did say something, it was like she was fighting with herself. She was covered in Crimson scars and she questioned what parts of her life were true and what wasn't. She needs us to figure out who she is" Leo said as everyone gave him a confused look. Luna was able to back it up as was Jack. 

"So we've all been told lies then. We need to find (Y/N) to figure this out" Jack sighed, annoyed that the most important person right now isn't here when she needs to be. 

Luna froze up suddenly as she felt a familiar presence along with her signer mark lighting up. Everyone else's marks lit up too as did the part of the dragon. Once all parts were lit, the whole dragon sparked suddenly, blinding everyone but once they opened their eyes, (Y/N) stood in her (F/C) tank top and black leggings.  

"Definitely could not do that before! Oh hey guys" (Y/N) greeted casually before going to scold her dragon. 

"Wait...What are all of you doing here?! And why are your marks glowing?" (Y/N) asked quickly realizing that she was no longer trapped in the room with Rex and Alpha. 

"(Y/N)! Your back is glowing! You have the dragon on your back!" Leo called out, excited that she may become a signer. 

She nodded weakly before falling to her knees. Yusei immediately ran to her and held her close so she could rest against him. 

"That's probably why it hurts like heck right now..." she muttered enjoying the feeling of being in Yusei's arms again. His arms felt the same as her mother when she held her. It felt so good but at the same time, it was wrong. If she really did have the power of the Crimson Flare then everyone she holds dear will suffer. This was her burden that she would carry alone. As much as she loves 

"We don't have that much time until Rex and Roman come back, you guys need to get out of here. I don't know what they will do once they find you. You guys are our last hope" (Y/N) said, standing up again now that the pain is gone from her back. The gang looked at each other then back (Y/N), who broke eye contact. 

She felt the aura shift from a happy one to a thick, strangling atmosphere. Yusei shifted and (Y/N) flinched suddenly before backing away. 


"How much did you all see?"

"Wait (Y/N) before-" Yusei started before (Y/N0 gave him a sharp glare, successfully shutting him up.

"What did you see? Each of you saw something different, what was it?" (Y/N) demanded again, clutching her (arm that doesn't hold a DuelDisk) arm. They fell into a silence. (Y/N) shifted uncomfortably, biting her lip trying to prevent her tears from falling. 

"...because I don't know what's true or what's not anymore," she said looking back at them with a humourless chuckle. 

"What we saw wasn't true!!" Luna cried, latching onto (Y/N)'s leg. 

"The woman said so!!" Leo cried, doing the same to her other leg. (Y/N) looked at them confused. She felt torn, confused, pained, every emotion. 

"What woman?"

"The duel spirit you used to talk about when you were younger. The dreams you had involving her. The three of us saw her. What she said may not match the others but regardless we are with you until the very end. Like it or not we're your family" Jack claimed, placing his hands on her shoulders. 

His usual cold demeanour was gone and replaced with an older brother's protectiveness. 

"He's right, even if in your weird past life memories and all that jazz, you were a monster. It doesn't define who you are now. People change, just like you have" Crow added

"You're not the shy, timid girl from the Acadia Movement anymore. You've grown into a strong, independent woman who won't take crap from anyone. You've changed the way I go about my own powers too and that's no easy task" Akiza stated, joining next to Crow.

"Go about this as you chose. Regardless of your choice, we are going through everything side by side. I thought we showed you that back when we were in the duelling gang?" Yusei pointed out before standing right in front of (Y/N) after the others cleared away.

"And if these words seem empty then maybe my actions will speak louder" he whispered before placing his lips onto hers. (Y/N) melted to his touch and wrapped her arms around his neck. It was short because they all felt Crow's protective glare on Yusei but it helped to back up their words. 

"Monster, human, Dragon, tiger, I would love you regardless (Y/N). Hopefully, now you can see that" Yusei said with a faint blush covering his cheeks. 

"Maybe I can but I think I'll need another kiss" (Y/N) whispered in his ear while hiding her blush from everyone else. 

Crow opened his mouth to protest but Akiza kissed him quickly to shut up.

"I saw that!!!! The Black Rose and Crow are dating!!!!" (Y/N) cried out,  jumping around like a child. 
{Funny thing, I've been wanting to write that for so long! Because I actually saw a crow with a rose last summer and I shouted this out to my friend so yeah...real inspiration...}

"Huh...you did something similar to that in the vision we saw...you were sitting in the flower bed with an older woman and you said pretty much the same thing," Akiza said, thinking back to what she saw and smiled. 

(Y/N) blinked confused but nodded. The others laughed and the tense atmosphere was now gone.  

"Let's go, you guys! We need to end this once and for all!"(Y/N) cried and the others nodded along, standing behind her.

"Rex and Roman...I'm coming for you. Get ready, this is one storm you don't want to face"

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