23. Somebody Stop Me

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Crow's Pov

There is no way...this can't be happening to me. I stared in shock as the stranger kept trying to force Yusei into a duel.

Roman, I swear, if you harm this person you will regret it deeply. 

My, my you've been very quiet Crow. Is something the matter? Are you afraid of your little friend here getting hurt or is it the soul I'm controlling, you're worried about?

I hate the way they talk. Sweet with an evil aftertaste. Yusei looked over to me but I ignored him. If my suspicion is right then my sister is really screwed. We all know that if you lose a battle to the Dark Signers, you end up losing your soul too. Or even if you're too close to the duel and they Summon their EarthBound Immortal monster, it's the same fate.


C'mon boys I don't have all day. If you aren't going to duel me Yusei then my Master will take my soul along with all your friends as well.

"Fine, I'll duel you! But first, reveal who you are first!" Yusei yelled out. My heart raced, I really hope I was wrong.

I'm surprised you wouldn't recognize me...after all, I am still (Y/N)...am I not?
Not even my own brother didn't recognize me? Such a pity.

No...no NO!!!!! I yelled! This can't be happening. She's gone... (Y/N) I promised I'd always protect you but I've failed...

"Crow!! Get out of here before the seal spreads out!" Yusei ordered as I returned to my bike.

"Go I'll take care of her" I nodded and sped off. My sister's gone...my whole family is gone. The purple barrier spread out in the shape of a swirl.

Yusei's Pov

The barrier spread around us and a wicked smile grew on her face. The darkness overtook the girl who would've died to save Neo Domino. She is now the one who is causing death.

Unlike all of my master's other puppets, our duel is a bit more fun. The victim doesn't just lose their soul, they will also lose their life if we don't finish the duel before we hit the end of the track.

"(Y/N)! This doesn't need to happen this way. We can figure something else out" I protested but nothing seemed to work. Her mind was set on killing me, there's no way I could talk her out of this.

Author's Pov

Yusei and (Y/N) both got onto their bikes and the duel was started. (Y/N) got the first turn. Instead of using her regular dragon deck, she was using a fiend deck.

" Let's start this off with my Broww, Huntsman of The Dark World (ATK: 1400 / DEF: 1200)! After that, I'll place a card face down. Your up" ( Y/N) said before Yusei drew his card. Before the duel began, he slipped (Y/N)'s favourite dragon Syncro card into his deck. If she didn't listen to him then maybe the dragon will snap some sense into her.

"My move now! I'll play Junk Warrior!  (ATK : 900 / DEF : 1200) Before I attack, I'll activate Junk Warrior's special effect. It's attack doubles till the end of this turn. Go, Junk Warrior! " Yusei called as he went to attack (Y/N) ' s  monster.  However (Y/N) activated her Negate Attack Trap card so her monster was safe. 

I suggest if you want to continue to fight, you stop worrying about your little friend and focus on the duel. Remember you can either die and let me live, vice-versa or we can both die side by side.  (Y/N) 's  poisoned voice rose above the sound of the duel runners. 

(Y/N)'s Pov as a spirit trapped inside evil (Y/N) 's body

Wow, Goodwin way to go. First, you kidnap me then you make me fight my best friend to the death and now? You make me use a Fiend deck with only one dragon. This is nothing like me!! There needs to be a way that I can free myself from this before Yusei gets hurt. 

My evil self suddenly summoned the single dragon in the deck: Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World. That's the most powerful card in my deck. 

Maybe Yusei can figure out the weakness of this deck...it is very similar to my dragon one. 

Time skip (Imagine the duel going in your favour)

Author Pov

With Yusei left at 1500 life points left and (Y/N) had 2000. Even with the tiny amount of damage, Yusei could attack would hardly affect her. He had one hope left, a card (Y/N) gave him. But one wrong move and her card could easily be terminated. 

(Y/N) had one card on the field and that was Grapha. With that said, the only reason it's still alive is because it kept returning from the graveyard. However, Yusei had one plan that may or may not backfire. 

Yusei Pov

(Y/N) please forgive me for what I'm going to do. 

"I summon Torgue Gear Turner then I'll tune my Stardust Dragon with my Torgue Gear together to Syncro Summon (F/D)!!!!" I called out as (Y/N) 's favourite dragon emerged. (Y/N) froze seeing the divine dragon in front of her. 

You fool, you just threw away your chance at winning! (Y/N) 's voice rang out.

"That's what you think. I play Monster Reborn to bring back my Stardust Dragon. Then I'll play Fissure and destroy your dark dragon"

You fool! Have you forgotten my dragon's ability?

"Have you forgotten Stardust Dragon's special ability? I tribute Stardust to negate your effect and destroy it," (Y/N) 's voice went quiet as she gazed upon (F/D).  

Well, attack me then...or both of us won't get out of here alive.

I glanced in front of me and it was a dead-end, the seal prevents any of us to move out of the way. 

(Y/N)'s Pov (Spirit)

He actually did it! He found a way to defeat that deck! Now that idiot needs to attack me and go after Roman. I need to find a way to get myself back into control. 

Please! Please Crimson Dragon hear my plea! Set me free to ensure that Roman will be defeated!! Let me have control of my self just long enough to save Yusei. I cried to the dragon of the Signers. I just need a single chance.  Time was running out and Yusei didn't make any move to attack me. 

"Please Yusei! Just attack me, this is my battle, not yours. Yours is with Roman. We know that my spirit can come back after you defeat Roman!" I cried out as I threw myself against the wall I was trapped in. I continued to do so until a bright light overtook me. 

"(F/D) attack me directly and end this duel. Go after Roman Yusei! Good luck!" I cry out smiling at Yusei before (F/D) blast hit me. Thank you Crimson Dragon, now Roman will be defeated.

.......................................................What the heck were you thinking?............................................. 

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