'Happy Birthday' pt. 1 || Kageyama

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'~ whoopsie this might be a lil too long, but enjoy ^^ ~'

Growing up, I never really had the support of my parents for any personal matters. Yes, they feed me, clothe me, put a roof over my head, but they don't make my wants a priority, compared to my siblings.

What I want is simple. I just want them to give me the same attention they'd give my siblings. It may be my fault though, after all, I always allowed them to do whatever was convenient for them ever since I was a little girl.

Flashback to 9 years ago...

"Mommy, can we get that stuffed bunny? You promised!" I asked her excitedly, tugging at her hand as I pointed at the stuffed bunny displayed behind the glass of a store.

"Honey..can we get it next time? Your brother wants to buy a toy. It's okay right?" She bent down, hands resting on my shoulders as she asked me. I tilted my head and tried not to frown, I didn't want to upset her or make her feel bad.

"But it's my birthday, mommy!" I said as I looked over her shoulders and at my brother who was throwing a tantrum. I looked back at her and sighed, taking one last look at the smiling, stuffed bunny then I said, "Okay mommy..I can always wait another year." I smiled up at her, she exhaled in relief, gently patting my head before running over to my brother. She carried him off the ground and made their way to the toy store, daddy following behind her and leaving me behind.

I stood in front of the displayed stuffed bunny, placing a hand on the glass as I stared at it. Mommy and daddy didn't even bother taking me with them to the store, not that I mind though, it's always been that way. If I didn't complain, they wouldn't be stressed. If I don't insist and just obey, they won't feel guilty. They have enough on their plate.

I was lost in thought, reminding myself of what I had to do so mommy and daddy would be less stressed, I didn't notice someone tapping my shoulder. I snapped back to reality when I was gently shook by my shoulder, I turned around, my eyes met with deep, dark blue orbs of a boy around my age. 

"Do you like bunnies?" He asked with a straight face, looking down at me because of my short stature. His raven hair fell over his face, slightly covering his right eye.

"Not really, but I like the stuffed toy." I replied with a sad smile. He stayed silent for a moment before rummaging through his pockets, I leaned in to see what he was looking for and he held his hand out.

"Give me your hand." He said and I did, I held my hand out to him with a confused expression. He dropped something into my hand, a keychain with a bunny hanging from it. I brought it closer to my heart, tightening my grasp on it as I smiled at him. "It's your birthday right? Happy Birthday." He said shyly, worried he was being nosey by listening in on the conversation earlier.

"Thank you! You're so nice!" I said cheerily, he smiled in response and I asked, "Can we be friends?" His blue eyes twinkled, nodding contentedly with the biggest smile he could give. I giggled and hung the keychain on the sling of my bag.

"[Y/N]! Let's go!" Daddy called out and I spun around, a little disappointed we had to go.

"Tobio!" The boy turned his head at his name being called. Daddy approached us and an old man did too, 'Is he his grandpapa?' I thought to myself as I looked up at the old man. Daddy pulled my hand and I flinched a little, looking back at the raven haired boy as I waved. He waved, a little bit of worry plastered on his face before he turned to the old man, holding has hand as they walked inside the store of the stuffed bunny, disappearing from my sight.

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