'~Dance with me~'

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'~ am surry i might just make a separate book for the other characters but honestly i'll dedicate this book to tsukki </3 ~'

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[F/N] [L/N], the newly appointed crown princess of the kingdom of Karasuno, was to hold a masquerade ball in favor of your appointment as crown princess. All of Karasuno, rich or poor, and other kingdoms were invited to attend and celebrate.

You was known to be loved for your kind and loving heart, the complete opposite of your guard, Tsukishima Kei. The pair would often be spotted by merchants and town folk strolling about and around, in which you'd laugh whilst Tsukishima only gave subtle smiles to stay alert and avoid distraction, even if it were you who's the distraction. This scene gave others the idea that you were in love, but you'd always dismiss the gossip, not wanting to go too into detail with the relationship you have with your guard.

Little did they know though, they might just be right about you both.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Is her highness ready for the ball?" Tsukishima asked as your ladies in waiting opened the door to your chambers, holding the door for them as his tall figure towered over them.

"Yes, sir Tsukishima. We just finished dressing her and putting on her make up." Rose, your head lady in waiting responded as she motioned for Daisy to respond as well.

"She also called for you, sir, she requested for you to enter her chambers." Daisy bowed and so did the rest of your entourage as Tsukishima bowed, making his way inside your chambers.

You stood by the large window of your room, looking over outside as you watched the carriages make rotations around the grand fountain that was positioned in the middle of a circular road by the entrance to the palace. 

Tsukishima bowed to one knee knelt on the ground, placing a hand over his chest. "Your highness, you called for me?" He looked up and stood up at your signal, motioning for him to stand beside you. He quickly made his way to your side, glancing down at you then back at the multiple carriages arriving and leaving.

You gently slipped your hand into his, to which he happily let you. He took one step closer to you so you could feel comforted, he always knew how you were before events, and fortunately, him being with you was enough assurance for you that you'd be okay by the end of the night.

"I'm so nervous I could die!" You squeezed his hand, making him chuckle as he glanced down at you. He gave your hand a small squeeze of assurance, earning him a sweet smile from you that always sent his heart pounding.

"You'll be okay, your highness." He cleared his throat, straightening himself to avoid letting loose too much. You let go of his hand and pulled him by the shoulder, forcing him to meet your judgemental gaze. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked, looking down at you with the same judgemental expression you had.

"Do not tell me you're going to use your helmet as your mask at the ball tonight?" You examined his get-up, which was his same old armour. Honestly, you had to admit, the armour suited him very well. The way the material framed his already toned figure was so attractive for some reason, and the black inner sleeves which were designed similarly to gloves but were cut at the base of his fingers, highlighted his long, slender fingers so well you just couldn't help but want to hold them.

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