'The way he looks at you'|| Kuroo ~ Kenma

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'~ omyomy, also i was scrolling in pinterest and i saw a post with some of the dialogue here so i just got inspo from it ! ~'

"[F/N]!" You twirled around at your name being called, only to see a slouched boy. His roots were black but the rest of his hair was blonde.

"Kenma?" You wondered as you tilted your head, lowering the straw from your mouth. 

He looked down at the strawberry milk carton you were drinking from and asked, "Strawberry milk? Who gave it to you?" He seemed to be hiding something behind his back, but he kept his hand behind him as he looked at you.

"Ah this?" You lifted it up, holding it out in front of you with a gentle smile creeping on your face, "Kuroo gave it to me." You answered as you continued drinking, "What are you hiding there?" You tilted your torso to the side, trying to take a peek at what he was hiding.

He flinched and hid the object even more, lowering his gaze as he waved his hand with an uncertain smile, "It's nothing."

Before you could ask again, the bell rang. "Ah, see you later, Kenma! I'll meet you and Kuroo after your training like always~" Your bright eyes were no longer in Kenma's view as you faced your back to him, walking to your classroom. He watched you leave before stumbling forward a bit when he was pushed forward. He turned around to see his close friend, Tora.

"Strawberry milk? Can I have it if you won't drink it?" Tora asked him, trying to get the milk from his hand that was hidden behind his back.

Kenma poked the milk carton irritatedly as he mumbled, "It was for her.. at least give me a chance, Kuroo.." He turned around and made his way to his classroom, with Tora following behind as he bothered Kenma with questions about what's wrong.


You, Kenma, and Kuroo had been childhood friends for a while now. You all grew up in the same neighbourhood when you were all little kids, and now you and Kenma were in your 2nd year of high school, whilst Kuroo was in his 3rd.

You loved strawberry milk, they both knew that. Every recess, Kuroo would always give you strawberry milk. He'd stop by your classroom, creep up behind you as you'd talk with your friends, and place the milk carton on the top of your head. You'd smile knowingly whenever he did this, placing your hands out in front of you as you lowered your head to make the carton fall into your hands.

You'd talk for a bit before lightly jabbing Kuroo's rib, payback for every little prank he'd pull early in the morning which he never forget to do everyday. And after he'd run off, you'd always bump into Kenma. Everyday, he always seemed to be hiding something behind his back, and he'd always approach you as if he had something to give you, but he never did.

And of course, the bell would always ruin it. You'd always tell Kenma to come earlier if he needed anything, but he's busy enough so you just didn't bother.

What neither of them knew though, was that you had developed some sort of crush on Kuroo. You realized it a few months ago when you watched Nekoma's practice match against Karasuno. You were in awe at Karasuno's first year duo, Hinata and Kageyama, but Kuroo's blocks and jump serves out-shined them, and in turn making you realize what the aching feeling in your chest was all along.

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