'In the next life'|| Iwaizumi

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'~ h a h a  more angst, my loves ~'

As you skimmed through the pages of your book, reading in content as you leaned your back on the head board of the bed, you winced at a sudden sharp pain that ran along your joints, making you drop your book in front of you as a result.

You held onto your knee for dear life, "Gah.. will the aching ever stop..?" You cursed under your breath, attempting to relax back on your pillow once the pain eased.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and in came your boyfriend Iwaizumi Hajime. You straightened yourself, smiling at the sight of your boyfriend carrying loads of books, all from your house which you requested for.

"Hajime~" You called in your sing song voice. He furrowed his eyebrows as he shut the door with his foot, panting heavily as he looked back at you. A gentle smile crept on his face as he looked at his beautiful girlfriend, despite her circumstances.

"Babe I swear, carrying these books are worse than any kind of training I've been put through." He sighed as he set the books down on the side table, easing his breaths as you looked at him with a sweet smile. He sat on the chair by your bed and remained attentive to you, all the more when you grabbed his hand and held it in yours.

"Don't worry love, you won't be doing that for much longer." You smiled sadly as you massaged his hand. He bit his lip and clenched his free hand, abruptly standing up to sit beside you on your bed as he gently flicked your forehead.

"Don't talk like that.. it might be true but, I'd rather do this than anything else." He gritted his teeth, bringing up your hand to his face as he pressed a delicate kiss on your knuckles before nuzzling into your hand.

You smiled and gently patted his head with your free hand, pulling him in closer to you as you breathed deeply. "Sorry love.. but I really, really don't have much time left, you know?" You sighed as he pulled you in to lean your head on his chest. He wanted you to hear his heart beat, and that his heart was only beating for you.

"The doctor told me you only had a few more hours.. a day, even, if you were lucky." His body tensed, making you run your hand up and down his arm to relax him.

"Exactly why I'm going to cram read all these books! And you're going to be here with me, right?" You said happily, not wanting to turn your last few hours with your boyfriend into a tearful one. You pulled away from his embrace and quickly began reading your book you had paused reading, due to the aching feeling in your body.

He sighed as he watched you in adoration, he always loved how despite your cancer being hours away from taking you away, your bright [eye/color] eyes never lost its twinkle. The way you looked at him, he pictured it and every moment with you in his mind and will keep it in a safe place, in his heart. 

He quickly propped up more books from the bag and onto your bed, leaving them there for you to read. He was amazed at how quickly you could finish a book and talk hours on end about it. He always loved your rambling, even when they were just about how much you loved the characters. Genuinely, he was shocked you'd even find love in this world, when your expectations have been set so high. But he was grateful you chose him, just as he is.

"Ah, I brought your favorite one too.. how could you forget it?" He shook his head as he pulled out a special book from the bag, handing it to you and smiling as your already bright expression lightened up the dimming room.

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