'Forever' || Sugawara ~ Oikawa

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'~ ouuu enjoy this one too :,D i'm not the best at writing so don't hesitate to make comments ~'

"You know, for a princess, you're pretty damn annoying." Sugawara Koushi, your knight, gave you a head pat as he pushed your head down. You pushed his arm away as he laughed, you stared up at him in awe as his laughter quiet down.

"Mm whatever, you love me anyway." He silenced completely and averted your gaze, you snickered in success. You knew he cared about you in that way but he never dared say it. Not when he was only a knight and you, a princess. 

He cleared his throat, standing up as he held out a hand to you. You shifted your gaze from the rows of rose bushes to his hand, "Let's get going, your highness. Her highness the Queen mentioned she'd have a talk with you in your chambers." You suspired, gently taking his hand as he helped you up. You tenderly gripped his hand for a second, before letting go of his completely as he walked ahead, the empty feeling of the absence of his palm in yours. 

You followed suit, trailing behind him as you both spoke softly. A moment of silence enveloped the atmosphere, you whispered as you looked down at the rocky surface below, "I love you, Koushi.." He tensed up, clear he had heard what you said. He continued walking, pretending as if he heard nothing. 

You've finally arrived back in your chambers, entering as he closed the door behind you, taking his position by your door to guard from the outside. "Mother!" You called as you curtseyed in her presence, she smiled sweetly and approached you, "Darling~" Her singsong voice always made you feel at ease. You embraced her as she did so with you, leading you to the foot of your bed as she sat, patting down the space beside her. You sat where she directed you to, holding her hands in yours. 

"What do we need to talk about, mother?" She bit her lip, hesitating for a moment before gently caressing your hair. "Forgive me, my dear.. I had no say in the arrangement but your father insists." She looked at you with serious eyes, her gentle hold tightened around your hand. You looked up at her with concern, leaning in in anticipation.

Before she could continue your father burst into the door, accompanied by a familiar face you so despised. You took a peek before your father shut the door, Sugawara knelt down on one knee as your father graced him with his presence, his figure tensing up at your father's words. "You are to marry this young fellow, Prince Oikawa Tooru."

I.. Prince Tooru?

I am to marry him..?

You shifted your gaze between your father, Oikawa, and your mother, Sugawara no longer being in view. Oikawa winked, making your insides turn in disgust, "Marriage..?" You questioned, feeling betrayed. "Yes, darling! We will marry by the end of the month." The prince you despised so much announced so proudly, you'd think the whole kingdom had heard his declaration.

"End of the month.. but that's in 2 days! Brother hasn't even been installed as Crown Prince yet! I'm only 18, what's the rush for marriage all about!?" Your once ladylike demeanour changed into that of an angered one. You couldn't believe what you were hearing, how could your father do this to you..? Especially when he knew of..

"It'll be your lucky day, beauty. You'll get to be the center of attention before your brother steps into the light once more. But most of all, I've taken a liking to you, and you get to marry me." His cockiness disgusted you. You averted your eyes in anger, clutching your dress in your fists as your breathing shallowed. "I do not wish to marry someone like you. Please forget about the arrangement and leave." You said as you stared at your father in betrayal, looking back at your mother, your eyes begging her to make them leave.

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