'~ Nothing ~'

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songfic incoming! song ~ Nothing by Bruno Major

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

Third person POV

The stars scattered throughout the pitch black sky, twinkling as if they were blinking down at the world below them. 11pm in the city, the distant sounds of cars honking and adults laughing filled the streets. 

[F/N] [L/N] gently ruffled the soft, blond hair of her boyfriend of 4 years, Kei Tsukishima, as they both laid on the couch of their shared apartment unit. Their unit was on the 20th floor, allowing them a magnificent view of the city below and the stars above. 

They were both wearing matching Nike pants, the material being black in color whilst two white lines ran down the sides of the legs area, stemming from the garter and going down to the hem of it. They had contrasting colour t-shirts on, but it was enough for [F/N] that they wore matching bottoms. She walked over to the kitchen and pulled out red wine from the fridge, carefully carrying two wine glasses as she returned back to Kei's side.

"Bubba, go put on the movie."

The woman said as she sat on the couch, one leg tucked underneath the other. She popped the wine bottle open and poured the same amount into both glasses, smiling as she watched her boyfriend get up from the couch and make a slight turn, pointing to the nintendo instead.

"I thought we were playing nintendo? Did you forget?" 

Kei smirked as he looked over his shoulder and at his forgetful girlfriend, who lay comfortably on their couch. She shrugged and motioned for him to do whatever, doing as told, he plugged in the nintendo to the tv and held both controllers in his hands.

"We'll take off our phones and turn off our shoes."

The latter quietly said, but it was loud enough for his girlfriend to hear. She burst out laughing as her boyfriend stared at her in confusion, judging her reaction at his words.

"How tired are you? Take off our phones? Turn off our shoes?" 

She repeated, leaning back into the couch as she continued laughing at her embarrassed boyfriend. Personally, he couldn't care less about what he said, he just wanted to admire his girlfriend as the night slipped away.

"Yeah yeah, keep talking and we'll never start your regimen for the night."

He slightly furrowed his brow and walked back to her side, leaving an obvious space to express his bitterness and hurt at her teasing. He had all sorts of comebacks that could last the night, but he really just wanted to spend time with the person he loved. After all, college wasn't the nicest for either of them, and they rarely spent time together. But tonight being one of those rare times, he didn't want to waste a single second without her by his side, relaxed for once.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Ha! I win!"

[F/N] yelled loudly as the victor of a Mariokart round, shooting her fists in the air as she smiled widely, cheering for herself. The way the corners of her eyes crinkled whenever she smiled was always so charming, so genuine, it never failed to make Kei's heart skip a beat.

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