||Chapter 15: Carnival Rides and Vertigo, pt. 2||

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(Y/n) reached the front doors of her house. She went ahead and began looking through her bag to find the keys to get into the house. She finally found it and started to aim the key into the keyhole. Before the tip of the key could even enter the keyhole, the door suddenly was slammed open. Her mom stood in the doorway, flashing a smile.

"You're finally home, (y/n)! Just in time for family fun night!"

"Wha-" was all she could mumble before she was pulled into the house by her mom.

Mrs. (L/n) dragged (y/n) into the dining room where Mr.(L/n) was sitting down. He looked like he didn't want to be there.

(Y/n) went ahead and sat down in one of the five unoccupied chairs, while her mom stood at the end of the table, with that big bright smile still plastered on her face.

"So," her mom clapped, "I've noticed that we, as an entire family, never really had time to spend together. So I've decided that every Friday, is Family Fun Night! We go out on the town and have a fun night, with each other! Now, how does that sound?" She looked around in the dining room.

"...you really had me leave the office early for this?" Her dad shouted.

"Mhm! You work yourself out too much, hon."

Mr. (L/n) was speechless. She was right.
"Yeah, I guess you're right..." he sighed.

"...I don't know, mom. I have homework to do an-" (y/n)'s mom shushed her.


"Well, (M/n), what are we going to do tonight?" (Y/n)'s dad asked.

"Well...there is this popular fairground in town that I would love for us to go to...whats it called again? Two pots fairground? Wait no! Tusspot's fairground!" She exclaimed. (Y/n) began to think.

'Hmm...Tusspot sounds really familiar...where does name ring a bell?'

"Hm. Sounds like fun. What do you think, (n/n)?"

(Y/n) was brought back to reality. "Huh? Oh yeah...I think it would be fun going to a fairground...."

"Well then it's settled! Everyone get in the car!" (Y/n)'s mom made a dash to the driveway. (Y/n)'s dad sighed.

"Why am I so in love with this woman?" He chuckled and began to walk to the car. (Y/n) put her backpack down on the dining room floor and made her way out of the house, locking the door after herself, of course. She then sat in the back of the car. The car's engine began and her mom began to drive.

"To Tusspots' fairground we go!"

Authors note
Y'all, I know you were expecting more Stu-pot, but don't worry! He'll show up again in the next part! Love you guys!

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