||Chapter 16: Carnival Rides and Vertigo, pt. 3||

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At Tusspot's Fairgrounds, Stuart and his dad were getting things ready for tonight along with other employees of the fairgrounds. Stuart decided to work on the swing ride.
While he went ahead and turned on the rides lights, his dad appeared behind him and held his shoulders, scaring him.

"Heh, sorry lad." Mr. Pot chuckled. Stuart pouted and turned around to face his dad.

"What's the matter dad?"

Mr. Pot shook his head and sighed with relief.
"It's nothing, I'm just glad you've finally decided to work here. Now I know the family business is going to last for a long time" he smiled. Stuart looked around, muttering a 'yeah' under his breath.

"Well," Mr. Pot clapped his hands. "The fair is about to open soon, so get in the paybox and get ready for a busy night!" And he went on his merry way.

"Oh boy." Stuart trudged his way to the paybox and sat inside, turning the radio on to play some music.

Meanwhile, (y/n) and her parents finally arrived at their destination; Tusspot's Fairgrounds. (Y/n) looked up at the bright, flashing sign and squinted.

'Some thing about that name sounds eerily familiar...'

"Well, what are we waiting for? Lets go inside!" Ms.(l/n) yanks her husband's and daughter's arms and drags them to the entrance where they went ahead and pay to get in.

Once inside, the (l/n)'s were at awe at how beautiful the fairgrounds was, with the bright lights, big rides and surprisingly clean environment.

"(Y/n), where would you like to go first?" Her dad asks.

"Um...lets start with something simple." She looks the around the fairground and spots the merry-go-round.

"Lets go on that!" She smiles while pointing at the ride. With that, the family heads on over to the merry-go-round.

Timeskip Brought to you by my two months absence

After riding a bunch of fantastic rides, the family was looking for more. Ms.(l/n) spotted the swing ride and began running over to it, with (father's name) and (y/n) following in pursuit. The ride wasn't operating just yet, as people were get off the ride and new people getting on. (Y/n) and her mother sat next to each other on the ride, while her dad sat behind. The ride operator came out and began check if everyone's seat was secure and helping those who weren't. When, the ride operator came around, (y/n) looked up and gasps. It was Stuart! Stuart looked up from the person he was helping with and spots (y/n), his eyes widening, face becoming light red.

He walks up to (y/n) and spoke. "(Y/n)? What are yew doin' 'ere?" Ms.(l/n) looks at the two teenagers with confusion.

"Do you two know each other?"

(Y/n) blushes and nods. "Yes, mom. This is Stuart. He's my best friend." Her mom began to smile. "Ohhhhh, so you're Stu-Pot! (Y/n) has told me me so much about you! You seem like a fine gentleman. Nice to meet you, I'm (y/n)'s mom." She held out her hand for him to shake. He shakes her hand, "I'm Stuart Pot, nice to meet you too, Ms."

"Stu...when did you start working here?" (Y/n) asks.

"W-well...you see..."

"HEY! HURRY UP AND GET THE RIDE STARTED!" A deep voice boomed. Stuart gets scared, backs away from the ladies and walks behind them to check on the rest of the riders.

"I can talk to yew after this, (y/n)." He speaks.
(Y/n) nods.

Once out of earshot, Ms.(l/n) looks at (y/n) smirks. "Is that the guy you like? I can tell he likes you too!" (Y/n)'s face began to burn.


Her mom begins to snicker.

Author's Note
This chapter is gonna have 4 parts! The next part should be out by next week :)
Im back babey ^_^ Hey, I know this chapter is some booty I'm sorry

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