||Valentine's Special!||

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Author's note!
Hi hi! Valentine's day is today and I figured why not make a special for it! It's still Younger Stu and you, and it doesn't have anything to do with the current storyline. Just a little story.


The sophmore girls at St. Winfrid decided to raise up money for the spring dance by starting up a kissing booth. They held a meeting in the cafeteria after school.

"We're pretty, so we would totally cash in loads of money!" One girl piped in.

"It could be fun too!" Another one chimed in.

"(Y/n) is really pretty, should could definitely attract boys over to the booth!" One girl shouted.

You squeaked and burried your face in your arms, trying to hide your red face.

"Mhm! She's really beautiful!"

"I mean, don't you see how many boys stare at her when she walks down the hall?"

"She's even caught Edward's attention...that's so rare."

The girls continued to compliment you until one of the girls told them to shush.

"Alright gals, it's settled! 3 girls will be at the sitting booth, including (y/n)..."

You poked your head up.

Oh dear...

"...It would cost about 1 pound to get a kiss from the girls, but the girls will only be able to kiss the boy on the cheek."

You mentally sighed and listened to the rest of of the speech. You wanted your first kiss to be really special, not wasted on a fundraiser for a school dance!

"The girls in art club finished making the signs for the booth, while some of them are in the wood workshop, setting up the booth. The booth will be ready by tomorrow. There's flyers that we need to hang around the school. Everyone, please grab some flyers to hang around the school. Tape is provided."

( ˘ ³˘)💙 timeskip

While taping one of the flyers on one of the school's columns, you spotted your blue haired friend. He was standing outside of the building, smoking a cigarette. He looked over in your direction, his eyes widened with surprise and he threw and stomped on the cigarette quickly and headed on over to you.

"Ey, (y/n). Whatcha doin'?" He bent down to be eye leveled with you and he chuckled a little bit. You rolled your eyes, and continued putting up the flyers.

"Putting up flyers for the kissing booth event that's happening tomorrow...you know tomorrow is Valentine's day, right?" You turned your head to look at Stuart. His eyes were wide, he seemed to be spaced out.

"Stu-pot? Hello???? Earth to Stu?" You waved your hand in front of him.

"K...kissing booth?" He questioned.

"Yeah..." You answered. He stood back up.

"And you're participatin' in it?" He asked, with his face having a faint taint of red.

"Y-yes..." You stuttered. This is so embarrassing! You're welcome, (y/n).

"...How much for a kiss, love?"

"A pound."


And with that he left you alone, most likely walking home. You sigh and continued to put signs up on the school walls.

( ˘ ³˘)💙 timeskip to the next day, durring lunch block one.

You got an excused absent from gym class to participate in the kissing booth, which would go through all the lunch blocks. The good part of participating was you'd miss out gym class, which means you wouldn't get all sweaty and smelly. The bad part was that you were nervous of giving boys a kiss on the cheek. Some of them look like they don't shower!

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