||Chapter 17: Carnival Rides and Vertigo, Part Four||

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Guys I'm so sorry I like. Grew up and now a shawty is waiting to get accepted into art skool life is really stressful and fun rn

After the ride had ended, (y/n) told her parents that they can go and have some time by themselves and she'll catch up with them later. The couple looked at each other and ran off, hand in hand.

(Y/n) stood at the ride operator station and waited for Stuart to show up. A familiar blue-headed friend appeared around the ride and spotted (y/n) waiting for him. He smiled and ran up to her.



"Hold on, love. If we want to chat without someone interrupting' us, I gotta close the ride down." Stuart went ahead and closed the ride's entrance gate, and putting a 'closed' sign on the gate. A lot of groans and cussing could be heard from the fairground-goers who were waiting in line for the ride. Stuart just shrugged and walked back to (y/n).

"Okay...where were we?"

"O-oh! I was wondering when did you started working here?" (Y/n) spoke up.

"Ay started workin' 'ere today. My dad owns this place." Stuart responded. (Y/n)'s mouth made an 'o' shape. She laughed, "No wonder why the fairground's name sounded familiar!"

Stuart began to blush and began patting his legs out of embarrassment. "H-heh. Well, yew see, My dad changed our last name from Tusspot to Pot, so Ay wouldn't be made fun of in school."

"For what?"

"Ay don' kno'."


"..." The friends stood in silence until they bursted out laughing.

"Wooo~ let me catch my breath now, Stu..." (y/n) felt a little woozy. Almost as if something was begging to come out of her mouth.

Stuart's POV

I stood back a bit from (Y/n), she ain't looking too well.

"Uh..." I spoke up, lifting a finger up with concern. "Let's go find a rubbish bin for yew, love." I wrap my right arm over her shoulder and lead the way to the nearest rubbish bin in my eyesight. Good thing I have great eyes!

Once we reached the bin, (y/n) placed her hand on the sides of the can.

'Would it be a perfect time to ask her to the dance?' I begin twiddling my thumbs, trying to form a sentence.

"So...have yew heard of the upcomin' dance?" I internally yelled in my head, of course she's heard about the dance! That's all they talk about in school!

'Smooth, Stu. Smooth.'

"Yeah, I have." She responds, her face displaying a look of disgust and fear.

My face began to heat up. I began playing with my fingers. "W-well, Ay was wonderin' if...if...if yew's like to go-"


'Oh shit.'

'(Y/n) just threw up.'

Her face couldn't be seen as it was in the bin, throwing up all the bad stuff from her stomach. Maybe it was those corn dogs my dad has been selling...

"Ugh. I feel way better. Now, Stu-pot, what were you asking me?"

"...If yew wanted to go to the dance wif me. Ay'm workin' 'ere to save up to buy us tickets to go...so whatdoyasay?" I spoke up. I felt like I was going to explode. I looked down at (y/n) and her face was red, too!!

"...I...I was hoping you were going to ask me. Yes, Stuart, I'd love to go to the dance with you!" She gave me a hug, and of course I hugged back. I never been this happy since we first met, if I'm honest.

We stopped hugging and she looked up at me and smiled. "Well, I think I should go now, I don't want your dad to get upset with you for taking a little break without his permission."

I nodded. "Yeh, yew're right. Ay should get back to work. Ay'll see yew at school!" We waved goodbye and went our separate ways.

For the rest of the night, I was in such a giddy mood, sometimes, I'd let the people on the ride have extra time. Now all I have to worry about is getting a suit and making sure the night goes well for (y/n) and I!

Author's Note
Yeahh...sorry for not updating as much, like I said before, I've been busy with irl stuff!! I'm a senior now. I started this book when I was in 6th grade. This book has been around for a long time. The original version was more cringy though and Wattpad fucked that one over and I had to unpublish it </3

Thank you guys for waiting for this unepic update! Expect more soon. Also my gorillaz boyfriend scenarios book will be updated this Friday and every Friday after this week!!! Unless something happens.

Bye neow!!!


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