Chapter 7

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After getting back from Beacon, we had to debrief Ozpin and the council of Vale about what happened on our mission. They were a bit alarmed that such a powerful Grimm was hiding out near Vale, but relieved that it had been dealt with, without causing any casualties or mass panic. Ozpin praised us for calling for backup rather than trying to deal with such a dangerous threat alone.

[Time Skip: 2 months]

Soon, it was time for the tournament. At this point, I'd managed to master even the advanced applications of Haki. For Armament Haki, I could coat my weapons and I could emit it outwards for attack. It covered my entire body, and I could even reinforce my Devil Fruit abilities with it. For example, my strings from the String fruit could be coated in Haki. For Observation Haki, my range increased greatly. I developed the precognitive abilities it granted, letting me see a few seconds into the future. I also unlocked the Voice of All Things. I could communicate with the spirit of anything and everything. I had no idea the world was so alive before. I even heard the voice of my weapon. It was just bursts of emotion, but my weapon was alive. I could now use Observation Haki to sense the emotions of others, and if I concentrated I could even see people's memories.

When it came to Devil Fruits, I'd managed to awaken the paw fruit. Before I was just able to repel things like the air and other tangible things. Now, however, I could repel intangible things like Kuma could. For example, I could repel fatigue or even injuries from someone. The others were still a work in progress though, I just didn't use them enough. I did come up with an insane way to move around though. I would spread around my strings with my String fruit in a wide net that could cover about a city block for now. Then, I'd use my Elasticity quirk to make the strings elastic, and I could bounce around like Bellamy from One Piece. I could even enhance my Shave and Moonwalk by making small string platforms for me to bounce off.

Another thing of note was that due to Pyrrha soul binding with me, she unlocked the potential to develop many abilities I had. I started teaching her about Dou Ki and Sei Ki, along with Haki as well. She was learning every bit of martial arts knowledge I could give her as well.

It was time for the Vytal Festival Tournament. There were 3 rounds, which were teams, doubles, and singles. Our team faced off against team ABRN, and we won pretty easily. Team Rainbow faced off against team BRNZ and won as well. There were lots of interesting battles to watch.

Afterwards, when we were deciding who to send for doubles, they decided to send Pyrrha and I. We faced off against team FNKI, against Flynt Coal and Neon Katt. I thought Neon's roller blade fighting style was super fascinating. Maybe I could roll around on roller blades or hover shoes sometime? We defeated them as well.

In the singles round, they sent me. I faced off against Yang. For the fun of it, I kept the fight melee and it was just a very destructive brawl that I eventually won. Sun actually faced off against Blake, and Blake won. It wasn't because he went easy on her or something. It was because I'd trained Blake when she was younger, so she was one of the most powerful people here. Penny faced off against Velvet and Penny ended up winning. Some more matches happened, and in the very final round it was actually me versus Blake. It felt kind of strange, facing off against your own disciple of sorts. I showcased the destructive power of Renewal Taekwondo and defeated her.

So in the end our team won the Vytal Festival, and I guess my efforts earlier had paid off since there was no Grimm invasion happening. Afterwards, we all celebrated our victory and had a huge party with a bunch of the other teams we knew.

[Time Skip: 1 month]

All the teams had returned to their own academies, and it was crunch time for all of us. The school year was coming to a close, and so we had to face the dreaded final exams. When we got our results for them though, our worries faded away. Our team was top of the class. Jaune especially had come a long way. Now that our school year was over, we had a month of break. Jaune was excited, because he felt like had proven to his family that he could be a hunter by being top of the class at Beacon, and being part of the winning team of the Tournament. Weiss seemed happy too. Apparently her performance was quite satisfactory to Jacques, so her father was allowing her some more freedom with her actions. Pyrrha didn't want to go home, so I was taking her with me to Terra.

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