Chapter 9

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I decided even if I got a Dungeon card, I'd wait for now. I had a lot to digest. I figured I could at least learn all my new Character Card abilities at least. I had 1870 Gacha Coins. I figured I'd roll a few abilities. Let's see how it goes.

[Opening [Mid Tier] loot box x5. Gained [Super Soldier Serum] x3, [Symbiote Physiology], [Spider-Man Physiology]

[Super Soldier Serum] - Enhances all bodily functions to the peak of human efficiency

[Symbiote Physiology] - Grants you the body-type of a Symbiote from the Marvel Universe. Allows you to bond with another life form, have a genetic memory of your hosts, and shape shift from a gooey form. Have the potential to gain any symbiote abilities that have been known to exist. Comes with a dependence on adrenaline, phenethylamine (a chemical found in brains or chocolate). Also includes a weakness to heat and sonic vibrations.

[Spider-Man Physiology] - Gain the superpowers of the hero Spider-Man. Includes superhuman physical attributes, the ability to create webbing from your wrists, the ability to climb up surfaces by adhering to them, a spider-sense, and more.]

Ok, not that useful, but why not. I'm curious about Symbiote Physiology though. Do I need to have a host? And how much would it take to remove the weaknesses?

[For [Symbiote Physiology], in order to remove dependence on adrenaline, 100 points. To remove dependence on phenethylamine, 100 points. To remove weakness to heat, 100 points. To remove weakness to sonic vibrations, 100 points. To remove the requirement of a host, 100 points. Total would be 500 points.]

Damn, that's worth like 5 more rolls. Whatever, I don't like defective abilities. Please fix those weaknesses.

[Confirmed. [Symbiote Physiology has been altered.]

Damn, I'm all the way down to 870 coins. I guess I'll just wait a while. I enabled the 3 new abilities I got. I felt myself grow a bit stronger, and my senses improved a lot. I already had a lot of enhanced attributes, but this increased those abilities by a good margin. I guess I underestimated these abilities. The symbiote physiology though was truly strange. I could feel myself becoming more fluid-like, like I wasn't constrained by my current form. I tried changing my body features, and I was able to. I guess I have some shapeshifting abilities now. Interestingly, I could now easily change my body types at will. For example I could become just a Fish-Man, just a super-soldier like Captain America. It made controlling all my genetic based abilities way easier.

I gave Pyrrha the abilities too. She too enjoyed the freedom of shapeshifting. Then I had an idea. We were symbiotes now. What if we fused with each other? So we tried it. And it was a surreal experience. Like, our souls were already bound together so I thought our connection was as deep as it gets. But being bound the way symbiotes are is a totally different level of intimacy. We could feel each other's thoughts in real time, nothing was hidden. We could share all of our knowledge and skills directly to each other. You'd think two people controlling 1 body would be difficult, but it felt seamless. It didn't feel like I moved my hand, or she moved her hand. It felt like WE moved our hand. I was starting to see why Venom always said 'WE are Venom'.

We didn't even want to separate. But we did for now. We decided we'd do it again though for sure. Afterwards, we began looking at the rewards I'd won from the Dungeon. The most useful was definitely [Connection to Akasha]. It was interesting, because I wasn't connected to Akasha of the Nasuverse. I was connected to the Akasha of the greater Multiverse. It was basically a sum of all knowledge, but I had to unlock it piece by piece by mastering the information it gave me. Everytime I mastered some information, some more relevant information might be unlocked. It's quite the slow process though. I can see why the description said stuff like how a True Magic might take a century.

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