Chapter 20

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At lunch, Izuku, Ochako, Tenya and I were chatting with each other about the festival. Ochako revealed how she wanted to be a hero for money to help support her poor family, but Tenya and Izuku reassured her how it was a good reason to be a hero. After our school day was over, a bunch of people from the other classes at U.A. declared war on us for the festival. Since Izuku could handle himself, I let him just train with All Might for the festival. I spent the next two weeks just relaxing with my family whenever I wasn't in school.

I didn't really want to win, but I wanted to get at least top 10 in the festival, so that was my target. Sadly, I was the player representative so I had to give a speech to everyone. I just gave a generic but well-worded motivational speech. After that, the first event was an Obstacle Race. I just flew along on the Vimana at low speed. I got 5th place, which was good enough for me. Afterwards, we had a cavalry battle. I ended up on a team with Shoto Todoroki, Tenya, and Momo. We got 4th place as a team. I just supported our team by shooting blunt swords at attackers.

During the tournament, my first match was against Ibara Shiozaki. Her quirk let her grow vines from her head that she could manipulate. I just spammed a weak Caladbolg 2, which was a sword designed to explode whenever EMIYA used it, to burn the vines until she forfeited. Afterwards I fought Tenya and beat him with just normal martial arts and sword fighting. When I had to face Shoto after that, I let myself get frozen into an ice cube and lost. That ties me for 3rd. Izuku got 1st, Shoto got 2nd, and I tied with Katsuki for 3rd. Good enough of a result in my opinion.

I saw Tenya look super emotionally constipated after the tournament, then I remembered how his brother was hospitalized and paralyzed.

Lapis: Yo Tenya. You look like you've heard some bad news.

Tenya: It's..nothing. It'll be fine.

Lapis: I'm going to go out on a limb and say someone you know is hurt.

Tenya: How did you know?

Lapis: You just confirmed it. Anyways, I'm just saying. If they ain't dead, I got a healing aspect to my quirk. I've managed to regrow an entire stomach before. So I might be able to help out, in case you need it.

Tenya: can regrow even a lost organ? Hmm, actually perhaps you can help me. My brother, he's injured pretty badly. Will you please come with me to see him?

Lapis: Sure.

So we left the tournament and visited the hospital his brother was at.

Tensei Ida: Hey Tenya. You brought a friend with you?

Tenya: Yeah, she's my classmate at U.A.. How's your condition?

Tensei: I'm..paralyzed from the waist down. I guess my hero career is over.

Tenya: Lapis, can you heal nerve damage like that?

Lapis: Probably yeah.

I used Avalon on Tensei. It seemed to work, as he began to be able to move his legs.

Tensei: That's an amazing healing quirk you've got there. I'm in your debt. Thanks for helping me out.

Tenya: Yes Lapis. Thank you! I am eternally grateful.

Lapis: Psh, we're friends. Don't worry about it. I'll let you guys catch up. See ya when school ends!

So I let them be. I guess there'll be no angsty Tenya now. He did kinda grow on me since he was the 3rd friend I had here. First being Izuku and second being Ochako. A couple days later it was time for school again, and Aizawa told us it was time to develop our hero names. He also showed off how many pro heroes nominated us for a Workplace Training program that's a week long. I had the 4th highest amount of nominations, which makes sense. I didn't use my abilities in a very flash way but was still a high placer.

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