Reviews On "When Nature Beckons You"

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Herein I'll be adding reviews on "When Nature Beckons You". You can write me a review by filling the form below or access the link on my profile conversation column.

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3. Rate the book on the scale of 1-5
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4. Your review ( min 30 words and /or above)
5. Your social media handles
6. Any other comments. (can be skipped)

We know how undeniably important a reader's opinion or reviews have become, readers depend on their reader friend's thoughts and often are moved to read a book. Here, I am collecting reviews for this very book, because they value a lot to me.

If you haven't read the book yet, you can get the sample copy for free on Wattpad and Pabpub, grab an actual hard copy if you are an Indian and as well read the full work on Pabpub. (For more information check out the previous chapter.)

Reviews will be featured on various social media handles of mine.

Thank you,
S. A. Khan.


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