Chapter 2: The outside

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After we shook hands, we didn't really have anything to do. We decided to chat with Veldora for a bit more. After a while, we didn't have anything else to talk about, so we decided to think how to free him out of his prison.

'So, what do we do now?'


'About that Unlimited Imprisonment, the hero put on you. I feel bad that our friend has been trapped here for 300 years.'

Veldora was giving us puppy dog eyes now. What's with this dragon? You should be scary, not a puppy.

'You two...'

'Don't give us those puppy dog eyes! It'd be one thing coming from a kid or a cute girl, but a dragon?'

'If you have a way to get me out, I'd appreciate it.'

Is it even possible?

"Confirmed. With the right skills, nearly anything in this world is possible."

So it might be possible...

'Th-the thing is... I wouldn't have lasted another 100 years before my magic ran out. I keep losing more and more magicules...'

'So that's why this cave is so rich in magicules and there are so many valuable herbs and ore.'

So they are valuable. Nice.

'What would happen if your magic ran out?'

'It's nothing too serious.

'It's not?'

'I'll just die, that's all.'

I think that is pretty serious. Wasn't he immortal?

"Confirmed. The individual Veldora is a spiritual being using a physical body as a base. In the scenario where he would die, his spiritual body would stay alive while the physical wouldn't. He would then proceed to get reborn somewhere else."

Well that's convenient.

'I see... so after all these years of isolation, you just die, huh? Might as well try this.'

The slime made it's way to the shiny stuff near Veldora and touched it.

'Great Sage, use Predator to consume the Unlimited Imprisonment.'

Great Sage and Predator seem to be the slime's unique skills it got when it arrived here. But why does it have two of them? I only have one...

"Confirmed. You have another unique skill you still haven't used."

Huh? I do? What is it, then?

"Confirmed. It is the unique skill Limited Imagination."

... Is that why I don't have memories?

"Confirmed. It is not. The lost of your memories is caused by another factor."

Oh. I see. So, what does it do?

"Confirmed. It let's you create anything from your imagination, as long as you know the materials and how to craft the wanted object."

Oh. That's nice. Can I make organic things?

"Confirmed. It is possible, but they are lifeless."

So I can make food?

"Confirmed. Food is organic but lifeless, so you can make food."

Good. I'm not gonna starve anytime soon then.

While I had discovered my new skill, the slime and Veldora had been talking about how to break him free. I noticed the silence so I started paying attention to the conversation.

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