Chapter 13: Talent Show

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I woke up and immediately started wondering why I was hugging Rimuru. Then I remembered what happened last night. Rimuru left a Body Double for me. I didn't really realize it yesterday, but I did now. I blushed a little bit and hugged him more.

Y/N: "My own Rimuru..."

Okay, that sounds weird. Also, since when have I started blushing from this? It hasn't happened before. Do I... have a crush on him? No, I don't think I have. Or do I? I looked at the slime I was hugging. It was cute. Cuter than usual, in fact. Or maybe that's just my imagination. Maybe I do have a crush on him... I'll think about it later, I've got work to do. I got up and hid Rimuru in the place where I took it from. Then I went to work.


Everyone was already working. They all work so passionately. It's admirable.

Citizen 4629: "Good morning, Lord Y/N!"

Citizen 3690: "Morning, Lord Y/N!"

Citizen 1607: "Good morning, Lord Y/N!"

And so on. Everyone said the same thing to me. I just nodded back at every single one of them.

Shuna: "Ah, Lord Y/N! You're already back!"

Y/N: "Oh, Shuna. Yeah, I came back at midnight."

Shuna: "You came back that late? Did you sleep well?"

Y/N: "Yes, I slept great."

Shuna: "Good to hear. I have work now, so if you'd excuse me."

Y/N: "Oh, okay. Have a good day."

Shuna left and Shion came to replace her.

Shion: "Lord Y/N! Welcome back!"

Y/N: "Shion! Have you behaved?"

Shion: "Of course I have! Anyway, would you like breakfast? I've cooked a new dish today!"

Y/N: "I'll pass, I already ate."

I didn't, but I can eat whenever I want. And I don't want to eat Shion's food.

Shion: "I see. I'll go ask Benimaru, then. See you!"

Y/N: "Bye..."

Rest in peace, Benimaru. We will miss you.


Now that Rimuru is gone, I'm doing his work, too. It's definitely tiring, but still not hard. And it's just temporary. But still, I take breaks every now and then. Just like now. Except that this time I'm trying to figure out whether I have a crush on Rimuru or not instead of studying about this world. So, first of all, what do I think of him? Well, he's a very great friend. And my first one. He's dependable, caring, funny, kind, and his personality is great. I could probably continue, but there'd be too much stuff. Second, what do I like about him? Hmm... Everything. Wait a second. Based on my answers, I like him. Okay. Okay. What am I supposed to do now? I don't know. Maybe I'll just act like normal. If I can. Yeah, I'll do that. Anyway, the break is over. Back to work.


I've managed to do most of my work now. That deserves a break, does it not? Besides, I'm hungry. I need to eat or I'd die. So I'm eating currently. In my office. I just decided to eat lunch here since no one else is here. Although Shuna might get a bit mad at me. She should be coming here to clean soon, as well. I hope I can finish eating before she does.

Shuna: "Lord Y/N, I have come to clean."

And I didn't. She opened the door and came in. We looked at each other, me eating and Shuna with a not-so-normal look on her face.

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