Chapter 11: Visitors

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After I woke up from the weird dream or whatever it was, I went to the house where we usually spend our evenings. I saw Rimuru going to the baths.

Y/N: "Hey, Rimuru."

Rimuru: "Ah, Y/N. You finally woke up. What happened?"

Y/N: "I have no idea, but I had a weird dream."

Rimuru: "What was it like?"

Y/N: "Uh... I woke up on a bed in a room. I'm not sure, but I think the dream showed me my memories from the old world. At least it looked like it."

Rimuru: "You're getting your memories back?"

Y/N: "I guess. But I only saw a small bit. There's nothing else I remember."

Rimuru: "Is that so? Well, was it good?"

Y/N: "Um... Maybe. I'm not sure. It felt a lot like reality. Like all this we've done here was a dream."

Rimuru: "Oh. Do you think it was a nightmare?"

Y/N: "It might have been. I actually had to make sure this wasn't a dream."

Rimuru: "How?"

Y/N: "I wished for a random skill and received one."

Rimuru: "How good?"

Y/N: "Unique."

Rimuru: "... Are you sure you wished for a random skill?"

Y/N: "Yes."

Rimuru: "sigh Well? What kind of a skill is it?"

Y/N: "Like this. (Za WARUDO!) Pause!"

The world froze in place. I was the only thing moving. Everything was gray. It looked as if the whole world just suddenly lost all color and died. I walked to Rimuru and picked him up. I looked at him. The dream came back to my mind. The fear and the sadness also came back. I'm glad I'm here. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. This is the best place in both worlds. 

Y/N: "Play!"

The world regained color and life. It looked more lively than just a few moments ago. 

Rimuru: "Huh? What happened? When did you pick me up?

Y/N: "It was my new skill, unique skill 'Timer.' Apparently I can pause, revert or skip time."

Rimuru: "... Stop doing that. You're getting too strong."

Y/N: "I know, I just had to make sure..."

Rimuru: "Were you that worried this has all been a dream?"

Y/N: "... Yeah..."

Rimuru: "I assure you that this isn't a dream. You can be sure of it."

Y/N: "Thanks..."

Rimuru: "... You want to talk about it?"

Y/N: "Sure..."

Rimuru: "Okay, let's go to the baths then."

Y/N: "Okay..."

At the bath

We were now soaking in the water. Rimuru was in his slime form for some reason. He was floating on the water with a small towel on top of him. It was both disappointing and weird. More disappointing, though. There were smaller versions of him floating on the water. They were all different colors. No one else was there. The bath was big enough to swim in.

Rimuru: "So, what's wrong, Y/N?"

Y/N: "It's just the dream. I don't know what to think about it. It felt so real and unreal to me. Like, I feel like it could have happened, but I also feel like it's never happened. But it just felt so familiar. But I didn't want to accept the possibility that this world was a dream, a fake world made by my own imagination. It's as though it was a blessing and a curse at the same time. Getting to know my past but losing everyone in this world. I would rather live here with no memories rather than living there after losing everything here. I've grown fond of everyone here, especially you. I'm not quite sure why, how, and when, but I just have. The dream made me sad. It was bad enough to wake up there without anyone from here, but I didn't even remember my mom who made me food, took care of me and asked me if something was wrong. And I didn't even thank her, either. I was sad and depressed the whole time. I felt like crying the whole time. I hated it. But meeting my mom and knowing a bit more about my past feels a bit good, but the sadness still takes control. I just don't know what to think about it..." (Author's note: This isn't probably that good lol.)

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