Chapter 20: Revival of the Dead and Veldora

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*3rd person's POV*

Megiddo has started, and there are screams of pain and chaos everywhere. King Edmaris and the Archbishop Reyhiem were quivering from fear in the biggest tent.

Edmaris: "R-R-R-R-Reyhiem! What is this?! What can we do?! What should we do?!"

Reyhiem: "Please calm down! Please calm down!"

Razen: "Is King Edmaris safe?!"

Razen and Folgen came running to their tent to keep the king safe.

Folgen: "What are you doing?! Protect the king!"

Knight 93 and 94: "Y-Yes, sir!"

The two knights ran from under the tent's shadow and into the daylight. Both of them were pierced by Megiddo. Folgen looked at the two dead bodies. He remembered what had happened in the city. He had thought that Y/N was their strongest fighter and with him dead, the monsters wouldn't be a threat.

Edmaris: "F-Folgen! Quickly... We must get away from here quickly! We must return to our kingdom and regroup!"

Razen: "Agreed. We have no idea what is happening. If we don't leave at once, we will be killed, as well."

Edmaris: "Shogo? No, you are..."

Razen: "I am Razen, my king."

Edmaris: "Ah, Razen! Thank goodness you're back! Now, we must return home, quickly! Your transportation magic can-"

Razen: "Unfortunately, Anti-Magic Area is preventing me from using my magic."

Edmaris: "Wh-What?!"

Reyhiem: "Th-Then..."

Folgen: "Worry not, my king, Archbishop Reyhiem. I will use my unique skill, Spearhead, to force those remaining alive to gather together. I will use them as living shields to protect the two of you."

Edmaris: "Oh! Of course! Well done, Folgen!"

Reyhiem: "We can always rely on you, Sir Folgen!"

Folgen: "I will assemble the knights. Please begin preparations to retreat."

Reyhiem: "Understood!"

Folgen ran out into the daylight and died. He got pierced through the brain and fell onto the ground. (Author: The manga was better in a dark way, but this is just funnier.) The king backed away in a panic with tears and snot.

Edmaris: "We're all going to die!"

Reyhiem: "Th-This can't be... What in the world is going on?!" (Rimuru.)

Razen looked at his dead friend and went to look at the sky by peeking. He saw Rimuru coming swiftly from in front of the sun. He looked quite scary. But also majestic.

Razen: "That's... It can't be!"

Razen walked out of the tent's shadow as Rimuru came closer and closer, finally stopping midair.

Razen: "The other leader of the monster nation?"

Rimuru: "Your face looks Japanese. Are you the Otherworlder who attacked our city?"

Razen: "Only on the outside. Someone else is in the inside."

Rimuru: "Hmm... Well, either way, you're still an enemy."

Rimuru held his open palm in the air as a water drop appeared on it. Razen was pierced through the brain in an instant by Megiddo. His body fell onto the ground.

Edmaris: "No! N-Not Razen, too!"

King Edmaris finally realized it was a mistake to mess with the nation of monsters. He started thinking of a way out of this, but there really isn't. And he decided to try to offer a proposal, thinking that Rimuru would accept it. A few more knights were near the tent.

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