Chapter 9: Orc Disaster

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We were making our way to the marshlands through the forest. We were riding on our Tempest Wolves. We had Benimaru, Shion, Hakurou, and Souei, who's out scouting. The Goblin riders were with us too. They were a unit led by Gobta. Rimuru and I were riding on Ranga. Rigurd and the rest stayed in the village. They would evacuate if we lost.

Souei: 'Lord Rimuru, Lord Y/N, a moment?'

Rimuru: 'What's up, Souei?'

Souei: 'I've come across two groups currently fighting each other. One of them is a personal guard to the Lizardman leader. They appear to be fighting a high-tier Orc. What action shall I take?'

Rimuru: 'Well, I mean... We have to help them, don't we? Can you win?'

Souei: 'A simple task.'

He didn't even hesitate. How confident is he in himself?

Rimuru: 'Do it. We'll be there soon.'

Souei: 'Understood.'

Y/N: "Assume battle formation. We're going to meet Souei!"

Everyone: "Sir!"

Gobta: "Let's do this!"

Rimuru: "Ranga!"

Ranga: "Yes, sir!"

We started running faster to where Souei was.


The battle had already ended. There were Orcs laying dead on the ground.

Gobta: "Er, what? It's already over?"

Benimaru: "He should have left some for us..."

All of them were cut very cleanly. I guess Souei is pretty skilled. We walked over to him. He was holding someone.

Souei: "She's injured."

Rimuru: "Okay."

Rimuru gave her some potion. She started choking on it a bit.

Rimuru: "Don't worry. It's healing potion."

She drank it and sat up.

Leader's daughter: "M-My wound... I thought it was fatal. Wh-Who are you?"

Rimuru: "I'm Rimuru Tempest."

Leader's daughter: "So, he is..."

Y/N: "I'm Y/N Tempest."

She looked at us for a moment before bowing her head to us.

Leader's daughter: "I must ask a favor of you! Please save my father, the Lizardman leader, and my brother Gabiru!"

Brother? She's his sister?

Rimuru: "You're Gabiru's sister?"

Leader's daughter: "I am."

Y/N: "What happened?"

Leader's daughter: "My brother led a rebellion and imprisoned the leader."

What? I knew he was stupid, but that stupid? He changed the outcome of this battle with his stupidity. How can someone be so stupid?

Leader's daughter: "I believe he intends to repel the Orc army on his own, but he has underestimated the Orc Lord. If we take no action, the Lizardmen will surely be exterminated. My father helped me escape during a lapse in the guard's attention. I am aware that this is a selfish request, after we broke our promise to wait for you, but I implore mercy from you who serve such powerful majins! Please... Please!"

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