Chapter 12: Charybdis

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*3rd person POV*

A group was sitting around a bonfire. It was Phobio and his acquaintances. They were silent and Phobio looked at the fire, while the others looked at him. He was still mad at Milim. He broke a stick in half and threw the halves in the fire.

Phobio: "Damn it! She'll pay for that! Who does she think I am? I'm Phobio the Black Leopard Fang!"

Extra 1: "With the Demon Lord Milim in the picture, it's beyond our control. Even for the Demon Lord Carrion."

Phobio: "You idiot! Lord Carrion wouldn't have humiliated himself like this! I just wasn't good enough. But my pride won't allow me to go back empty-handed. Those guys built a town all on their own. I saw them as no more than lowly monsters, but they have skills and techniques that even we lack."

Extra 1: "That's for sure. Instead of ordering them to serve us, I'd like to see Eurazania establish diplomatic relations with them."

Phobio: "Yeah. Even if the Demon Lord Milim hadn't been involved, I handled that all wrong. I couldn't have gained their trust by just taking over without giving them a say. But it's too late now. My wounds may heal, but this humiliation will never fade. I want to take revenge somehow, so I won't cause trouble for Lord Carrion."

Extra 1: "That's easy to say, but revenge isn't realistic..."

Phobio: "I know that! I know in my head that it won't work! Still, I can't just rationalize this!"

He picked up a stick and snapped it in half while looking very mad. Then, they suddenly heard a laugh nearby. All of them immediately stood up and looked around.

Extra 1: "Who's there?!"

A big man with a mask came from behind the bushes. The mask he was wearing looked a bit angry.

???: "Oh, how well I understand that vexation you must be feeling! Greetings. fine people! My name is Footman."

Phobio: "Footman?"

Footman: "I am a member of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance, the one they call Footman the Angry Pierrot! Pleasure to make your acquaintance!"

Phobio and his group were cautious of this mysterious man. Then, a little girl came from behind him. It was Tear, the same girl who was at Clayman's castle.

Tear: "Now, please don't be so guarded. I'm Tear, and I'm not your enemy!"

Phobio: "What do you want?"

Footman started laughing and stopped after a few seconds.

Footman: "Well, I was summoned here by your anger and hatred."

Phobio: "Anger and hatred?"

Footman: "I sensed some choice waves of anger, you see. Please tell me what has angered you so. I'm certain I can be of some help to you."

Phobio started to think about his offer.

Extra 1: "Sir Phobio, there is no need to listen to these people. May I remove them from your presence? We are the Beast King's Beastkeeters, serving the Demon Lord Carrion. Do you honestly think you wandering majin are any match for us?"

Footman: "You desire power, do you not? We have it... power akin to none you've ever seen. Naturally, however, it comes with great risk. But should triumph over that risk, the power you stand to gain is immense."

Phobio: "Oh?"

Extra 1: "Sir Phobio!"

Tear: "You want to defeat the Demon Lord Milim, right? Then, you just need to become a Demon Lord yourself!"

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