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"Y/n. Wake up."

The low toned voice of Ellie gently pulled you from your deep slumber. You groaned and wiped away the crusted sleep from the corners of your eyes.

You stared up at the slightly dark blue sky. Ellie put her hand behind your back and helped you sit up.

"The sun's about to start rising. I figured we could get a head start for the day."

She already wore her jacket, zipped up all the way with her hair pulled back into a neat bun. "I packed everything up onto Shimmer's back. I figured you could've used the extra sleep so I waited a little while longer."

You smiled and lifted yourself up from the made bed. You rolled up your small blanket and handed it over to Ellie, who stuffed it into Shimmer's pack.

You pulled your hoodie over your head and hoisted your backpack onto your bag.

"You need an extra hair tie?" Ellie asked, holding out one of her extra hair ties.

You gladly took the hair tie with a small thank you and tied your locks into a high ponytail. (If you have short hair, just pretend she gave you a headband.)

"How far are we from Seattle?"

You questioned, Ellie grabbing your hand and pulling you up onto Shimmer's strong back.

"Uhh, I'd say an hour. I'm certain we're going the right way, so.. shouldn't be too far."

You nodded and clasped your hands onto Ellie's backpack.

Shimmer started trotting off into the distance from your camp. You looked back at where you slept and a sinking feeling began to settle into your slightly hungered stomach.

Your arms were wrapped around Ellie's waist and your head was resting against her backpack. You were very tired. After 45 minutes of endless travelling, you were beginning to see rundown cars, broken cemented bridges and overgrown wisteria withering it's way out of the cracked grounds.

You watched all of this pass by. You realised after 30 minutes into your journey that the scenery began to change. Hope began brewing in the pit of your stomach.

"Look at all of these cars. To think, that perhaps everyone that owned one of these is probably dead."

You lifted your head from the comfort of Ellie's back and hummed quietly.

"That's uh, very nice to think about." You broke into a small giggle and stared up at the overgrown trees. The canopy above shielded you both from the Summer's blistering sun.

The sweltering heat made you wish to remove your jacket but there wasn't much room in your backpack. You kept it on and fought against the urge.

"So, what's the plan?" You sat up right with a keen smile on your face.

Ellie gripped onto Shimmer's reigns tightly, looking around and guiding the pretty horse with ease.

"I'm hoping we can find some clues about the WLF. I don't wanna go in completely blind."

You hummed in agreement and kept an eye out for anything intriguing.

"Look! There's a small.. shack? Looks pretty deserted."

Ellie pulled on Shimmer's reigns as you pointed towards a beaten down, small building next to the entrance of a checkpoint.

"Oh yeah."

She lead Shimmer over towards the shack and hopped off of her.

"Stay with her."

You shuffled on closer to the front of the horse and sat gripping ahold of her leather reigns.

Whilst you waited for Ellie to finish searching in the empty building, you took your time to stop and observe the greenery that surrounded you. Birds chirped high up in the trees above and rustling nearby was to be heard from different animals alike. The gentle breeze whisked past you slowly and for the first time in two weeks, you felt at peace. The calming atmosphere settled your nerves and you were able to let your guard down.

Shortly after your therapeutic moment, Ellie came trudging back through the overgrown grass with a folded map in her hand.

You smiled at the sight of her, moving back on Shimmer and allowing her to claim back her seat.

"What did you find?" You eagerly lifted yourself up and peeked over your girlfriend's shoulder.

"It's a map of the area." Ellie unfolded it and you both gazed across the printed patterns of the whole of Seattle.

"Holy. This place is huge." You gawked.

Ellie turned the map over and it displayed the current area you were in. You made a small 'oh' and Ellie couldn't help but giggle softly.

"Okay so we can search around this area. The courthouse and stuff.. there has to be some of them around here." Ellie spoke lowly, folding up the map and continuing with you clutching onto her backpack.

"If we don't find any here. We'll have to venture further into the city, right?" You asked.

Ellie cleared her throat. "We'll have to go further into the city even if we find them here."

You pursed your lips and silently sighed. A part of you was worrying about her. You hoped with everything you had that she wouldn't be trapped in a containment where she'd end up obsessed with the idea of revenge. Your heart ached. Since the loss of Joel, Ellie had never been the same.

To break the ongoing silence between you both, you decided to speak up with a soft question. "How are you feeling?"

Ellie replied in a monotone way. "Okay. Just.. a little bit hungry."

"How much food do we have left?" You questioned.

Ellie sighed lightly. "Not much. We need to hope that a deer or something we can hunt is nearby."

You gazed around the canopies and giggled. "I mean.. it's full of grass and nature and stuff.."

Ellie smiled to herself. She loved you very much and enjoyed your company throughout this long journey. However, she did still wish you would've stayed back in Jackson where it was safe.

"Hey, Y/n. When was the last time you left Jackson?"

You were surprised to hear Ellie's sudden question, but you answered truthfully.

"Uhh.. well the last time I went hunting was sort of a month ago? Why?"

Ellie's smile stuck around. "Just wondering."

You tilted your head in confusion but immediately shrugged it off.

After a little while longer of riding, you both approached a large gate with the words 'Fuck Fedra' spray painted on the side of it.

"Fuck Fedra?" You read it out loud and followed on with a small giggle. Ellie chuckled.

"Well, whoever Fedra is, I don't think whoever wrote that, likes them."

Ellie hopped off of Shimmer and you followed suite. "Stay, Shimmer."

"Okay," Ellie began, "let's find a way past this gate."
I'm sorry you've all been waiting awhile. College is tough and i've been doing assignments from home and i've only just been able to acquire more inspiration to write this. I won't be following the story so much from here because i'll lose interest very quickly if i take that route. just be patient with me whilst i figure out what i'll do. thank you ❤️

Ellie x Female!Reader [The Last Of Us 2]Where stories live. Discover now