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Author's POV:

Y/n woke to the sounds of laughter and footsteps outside of her dorm room. She gasped softly and sat up quickly. Almost immediately, a sinful headache began to pound at her head, making her groan in agony.

She held her head between her knees and tried to gain back her composure, hoping that the headache would at least calm down. It did so very slowly and only shortly afterwards, a soft knock occurred at her door. The voice of Jesse was muffled behind it, "Y/n? Are you in there?" Y/n sniffed and grunted softly, getting up from her messy bed. She quickly slipped on her jeans and straightened up her socks and shirt, opening the door. Jesse stared down at the knackered female and raised an eyebrow, "Morning sleeping beauty." Y/n rolled her tired eyes in her sockets and leaned against the doorframe, her eyelids shut, "What time is it?" Her voice was indeed groggy, "If you checked your clock back there you would see that it's 1:38PM."

Y/n rolled her eyes and threw back her head, letting out an obnoxious groan. Jesse chuckled, "I came to check on you. None of us had seen you all day so I figured that you were passed out in your room still." Y/n turned around and made her way back into her room, half asleep still, "Ellie's been looking all over the perimeter for you." Y/n stopped in her tracks, she stopped reaching for her jacket and slowly turned back to Jesse, "Ellie..? Wait- Jesse, what exactly happened last night?" The man shrugged with the slightest smile on his face, "You'll have to ask your girlfriend." He turned around and made his way back down the hall, leaving Y/n's door wide open.

She stood there, her eyes wide in confusion and fear as she swallowed her nerves the best she could. Y/n then grabbed her jacket and slid it on in a swift movement, heading out of her room and slamming her door.


Y/n silently walked through the yards of the camp in search for Ellie. Her eyes darted about at every single movement that she saw. She grew frustrated the more that she found no sight of her friend. She pondered on whether or not she should call out Ellie's name but that would definitely draw attention from beyond the stable fences that kept the infected separated.

A low groan escaped her mouth as her head fell back, her hands automatically just resting onto her hips.

Y/n was clearly irritated. Her eyes squinted, the bright sun in the sky blinding Y/n.

Footsteps approached slowly, kicking the stones from the ground as they haulted behind Y/n, "Hey I've been looking for you." Y/n stopped in her tracks and turned.

Ellie stood there with a bright smile, she waved and held onto the strap of the guitar on her back. Y/n smiled immediately and turned to face her fully, "Ellie.." She spoke her name softly.

Ellie looked down whilst still smiling, "You look a lot better than you did last night." Then it dawned onto Y/n. She wanted to know exactly what happened last night, every single detail.

Y/n clenched her fist and brought it up to her chin, "Ellie, what exactly happened last night? I don't remember a single thing." Ellie raised her eyebrows before letting out a soft laugh, folding her arms, "You were really drunk. After the party I carried you back to your room. You were out of it. But you were groping the shit outta me." Ellie let out a loud laugh, letting her head drop backwards. Y/n blushed deeply and let her fisted hand cover her fast in embarrassment. She sighed gently and put on a fake smile, the obvious blush still visible upon her flushed face, "I just put you into bed and you feel right asleep."

Ellie took a moment to look around them. She leaned in slowly and began to speak in a low tone, "People think that we're dating because of that. It's not your fault, I let you drink too much and I should've stopped you before you went too far. I'm so sorry, Y/n."

Y/n stared at Ellie with her mouth slightly ajar, her face was completely red. Question after question flooded her mind as she stepped back slightly, putting out her hands slightly at her hips, "No Ellie. I made a fool out of us both by drinking uncontrollably like that. I'm so sorry I've never done something like that before this is my fault."

Ellie shook her excuse off with a nervous laugh, "No! It happens. I understand, Y/n you don't have to be sorry."

Ellie smiled and took a seat on the bench near them. She pulled the string guitar from her back and position the instrument in her lap. Y/n took a seat next to the girl and sat back, her one hand placing itself onto her head for support as the throbbing returned.

Ellie began to gently play the guitar, plucking away at the strings with a sweet him. She smiled and sang along lowly, "I woke up in the morning 'bout half past nine.." Y/n's ears perked up from the familiar lyrics almost immediately. She sang along with Ellie as the red haired female eyed her in the slightest shock. She smiled and carried on to play, she plucked away at the strings a lot more louder as their singing increased also:

Y/n grinned in complete glee. She swayed from side to side in a sweet manor, the lyrics coming to her head easily and like water from a stream.

Shortly, the song came to an end. Ellie looked round at Y/n and paused before speaking, "Ya know...you're the only one who actually know all the lyrics to that here. It goes over everyone else's head." They shared a short and sweet laugh. Y/n made eye contact with Ellie and smiled very sweetly.

"You have to teach me how to play."

Ellie laughed softly and swung the guitar over her shoulder, holding the strap firmly there. She looked down at her dirtied shoes and shuffled closer to Y/n, "That's..I wouldn't mind at all. I wouldn't mind passing down my skills." She giggled, earning a slight hum of amusement from Y/n, "Joel taught me how to play. I don't see why I can't teach you."

Y/n brushed one of her bangs behind her ear and smiled. She felt honoured in some sense. She felt honoured because nobody ever would agree to her offer like that. Y/n smiled warmly and closed her eyes, slowly tilting her head to one side, "When and where?"

Ellie parted her lips by the slightest. She lifted her head and rested her gaze onto Y/n's simple porcelain. She blushed lightly and mumbled the answer, "How about my room? Tonight at around 7. Since curfew is at 9, two hours gives us enough time." Y/n nodded her head in agreement, visible enthusiasm in her bounce once she nodded her head.

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