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The ride home was agonisingly silent. The storm had died down so it was easier to navigate the area. You rode on the back of Shimmer along with Ellie, gripping onto her waist drowsily with the strength you had left.

Kurtis trudged through the thick snow beside you.

Since seeing the bite mark on Ellie's hand, you had yet to find out the truth. She promised to tell you soon after you both returned to Jackson safely and your leg was treated.

What would she tell you? In your mind, you couldn't help but brainstorm over and over that she would turn in a matter of time. You had been so desperate to speak up about it and demand an explanation now but you had no strength to do almost anything. Your mind was foggy and the events of just an hour ago kept replaying through your mind endlessly.

You tried to pay attention to the scenery around you and pry your thoughts away from Ellie's impending doom. Unfortunately, the possible scenario of Ellie turning into one of the monstrous things replayed in your mind over and over. You loved Ellie very much, words couldn't even explain how much you did. The past events of her coming to your room and teaching you how to play guitar.. how you both danced that night and you woke up with such an awful hangover.. or how you first met when you were practising your shooting.. and the kiss you both shared.. oh, the kiss.

Tears welled up in your eyes. There was no escaping this now. You would lose your true love tonight to something horrific. She seemed so calm, like the event didn't even happen. Perhaps she was staying calm just for your sake?

You made it back to Jackson safely after some time trotting on your horses through the newly formed snow.

Maria had rushed up to you both. She had begun yelling at Ellie, but you couldn't hear. It was all a blur, everything seemed like white noise and you just stared into space with half lidded eyes.

Ellie explained your situation and that your leg needed to be treated immediately. You were helped off of your horse and carried away to the nearest doctor within the town.

You looked back at Ellie, she wasn't paying attention to you, she was too occupied with Maria. Joel, Dina and Jesse joined her, suddenly bombarding Ellie with questions about what happened and if you were okay.

Perhaps now, she would turn whilst you're being treated and resting up, you'd have no idea about it until someone brings you the news in the end.

Placed upon a bed, your leg was straightened out in front of you. You hissed in pain. You also mentioned your sore shoulder and how you had injured it.

The 'doctor' asked you plenty of questions about your journey and how you injured your leg too. You answered very drowsily.

A deep feeling of regret and sadness filled up a dark hole within your chest. Your mind automatically flashed back to the many happy moments you spent with Ellie in the last week. You were certain of her turning soon, there's no way she could get out of this one, it's impossible to avoid the infection and you knew that from past experience.

You couldn't fight the sleep anymore. You were stripped of your energy and could barely even think straight, one thought lead to another which didn't make sense.

You rested your head back against the wall whilst your leg was tended to, and you fell asleep shortly after.
A day passed of you fast asleep. You had been carried home on a gurney and placed safely within your bed. Ellie had offered to stay with you until you had woken up and she was allowed to do so.

Your eyelids fluttered open. You stared up at your ceiling with half lidded eyes as they slowly navigated your room. You glanced over to a sleeping Ellie next to you. She had pulled a chair from your kitchen next to your bed. She also had fallen asleep holding your hand close to her chest.

Ellie x Female!Reader [The Last Of Us 2]Where stories live. Discover now