Scouting Mission

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Author's POV:

Today was your turn to venture out into the dangerous territory filled with infected and Hunters. It had been a couple weeks now since you had last left the community alone. You weren't entirely sure if someone would be joining you this time.

"Y/n, are you ready?" You loaded a hunting rifle onto your back and turned around to meet Ellie face to face. She flaunted a warm smile, her head tilting to the side as she gazed deep into your gorgeous eyes.

Last nights event flooded your mind as your chest began to flutter.

"Uh.. I wanted to uh.. see you out of the camp today." Ellie spoke up, folding her arms.

Your eyes fell down to the tattoo decorated beautifully across her right arm. You pursed your lips into a smile and straightened the hunting rifle sitting on your back.

"That's fine with me. Come on, I'm due to go soon." You turned and began wandering slowly towards the horses. Ellie followed close behind, fidgeting around with something in her hands.

You loaded up your horse quietly. To tell the truth, you were too nervous to speak up to Ellie, not after last night. What were you to each other at this point? You wondered.

"Ah.. um, Y/n?"

Your cheeks heated up slowly, you kept tending to your horse and hummed in response.

Ellie chewed the inside of her cheek nervously. She sighed deeply and stared down at the handmade bracelet in her scarred hands. Her eyes averted up to the back of you. She payed attention to your every movement and suddenly shook her head. For once her nerves had taken over, which was quite surprising, and Ellie stuffed the bracelet into the top pocket of her open blue button up shirt.

Moments after, you turned around to Ellie and smiled, "Yes?"

Ellie sported a fake, believable, smile. She placed her hand onto your shoulder.

"Be careful out there. There are more infected around our normal patrol routes."

You glanced at her bruised hand that sat upon your left shoulder. Your gaze suddenly carried itself up to her own. You returned the action and placed your hand upon her shoulder, giggling softly.

"I'll be careful, Ellie. I promise."

You climbed onto your horse and grabbed the reigns, smiling down at Ellie, "I'll be back before sunset. Promise."

With that, you and your horse trotted further and further away from camp.

Ellie stood and watched you venture off towards the horizon. With a small sigh, she turned and headed towards the horses.

It had been a few hours now since you had left camp. With your guard raised, you and your horse trotted throughout the overgrown scenery. Nature had taken its course finally after years and years of abandonment from man. It was scary to look at, breathtaking even.

You ventured through your normal patrol route, gripping onto the reigns and gazing upon the area around you. It had begun snowing since last night and every winter heavy snow was expected. With nobody to tell you about the forecast, the weather was however unpredictable.

"Okay boy, just gotta check this one building." You shuffled off of your horse, Kurtis, and approached what seemed to be an abandoned supermarket.

"Wal-mart..?" Your eyelids knitted together in confusion. Perhaps this was an old supermarket from before the outbreak. You sighed and sauntered up to the front sliding doors.

"How do these doors even open?" Your gloved hands tried to pry the doors open. You pushed the door but it didn't budge.

"There's nothing blocking the door."

Ellie x Female!Reader [The Last Of Us 2]Where stories live. Discover now