Bad Feeling

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After the events of last night unfolded, you had headed home to catch some shut eye. Ellie had stayed with you for a couple of hours until you had fallen asleep. She left to confront Joel hours later, feeling at ease just knowing you were sound and safe asleep.

You were to wake up rather early the next morning and see to getting your cast removed once and for all.


The sound of your alarm clock had never failed to wake you up. You clicked the snooze button and practically rolled your way out of bed. There had been no sign of Ellie as you made your way to the kitchen.

She had left a note that read:

I won't be with you throughout the day I'll be on patrol with Jesse. I wasn't able to tell you last night because you were asleep. Wake up nicely, buttercup. I'll be with you around dinner time xx

- EL
You smiled softly and placed the note back onto the dining table.

"I can finally get my cast off today. My leg feels so much better."

A work of improvement, you were able to walk without crutches, just accompanied with a small limp. Only yesterday it had been slightly sore to stand on. As for your arm, it had only been a small blunt fore injury. Nothing had been shattered or broken. It wasn't a bother though, the pain had faded weeks and weeks ago.. perhaps just a few days after your leg.

And so, you had gotten dressed with a smile on your face and grabbed your crutches to head out and get your cast removed.

You were rather excited to finally walk properly again without the help from a pair of crutches. You made your way throughout the town slowly, still using your crutches just for some extra support.. and of course for the last time.

You ruffled your way through the cold snow with ease, taking in the sight of happy children playing in the snow and people continuing about with their daily lives. It was absolutely amazing how people could turn back to a society like this after almost three centuries of pure hell. However, it wasn't like this in many places. People had figured their own way with survival. The world had gotten worse.

Whilst going through your train of thought, you were threw back into the freezing cold snow.

Your crutches had broke.

"Oh.. are you fucking kidding me."

People stared and even giggled at your poor self coated in snow.

You slowly lifted yourself up and gathered the broken crutch that littered itself around you. You sighed deeply.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" Maria approached you hastily.

"Ahh.. nothing permanent, the crutches broke."

Maria helped you up onto your shaky feet as you gripped onto the crutches in one hand. You leaned against the blonde woman as she chucked sympathetically, "You're getting the cast off today, right?"

She helped you limp over to the other side of the road.

"Yeah, I was heading there now actually."

Maria smiled, "How's the arm?" She pondered.

"It's perfectly fine now which is surprising. I thought I had broken it ya know." You laughed softly towards the end of your sentence as Maria smiled wider. She loved your optimism.

"You know what, Y/n? You've been so lively these last couple of months.. even when you're given an injury."

You took in her words slowly as a gentle smile crept its way upon your face. Perhaps Ellie was the reason you had changed. You had become much more kind and thoughtful. Back then, you were extremely introverted and you had put up walls around yourself higher than the ones around the town, metaphorically speaking.

"I've noticed that myself, Maria. I think it's because i've finally let someone special into my life."

Maria instantly thought of Ellie and couldn't help but stifle a laugh.

"Let me guess.. Ellie?"

You nodded with a smile, looking up at the sky.

"She gave me this bracelet the night after i broke my leg.. I keep it at home in my draw safe. She was so nervous giving it to me and i've never known for Ellie to be so nervous."

Maria listened intently. She helped you outside of the town's 'clinic' as she kept listening to you.

"That's very sweet, Y/n. I'm happy for you."

You smiled and leaned against the wall before hopping towards the entrance.

"Would you like me to stay with you? I don't have much to do for the next couple of hours and I'd like to think you want some company."

You looked back at her and nodded almost immediately, "I can do with some company, yes." You grinned as she helped you through the double doors.

Several hours before, your leg was wrapped up in an attempt to heal the broken bone beneath the flesh. Now, you were able to walk freely without the assistance of two crutches. The only down side was a small limp and you weren't allowed on patrols until the pain had completely subsided. However, you were grateful for this. It was much better than just loosing your leg completely. You were happy that you were still alive.

You strutted out of the clinic along with Maria, a bright smile on your face, accompanied with a small limp. Being able to walk without leaning against something after each step gave you such relief. It had been a hard 1-2 month's and you made it.

Whilst walking through the town and through the heavy snow, you and Maria were approached by a man that was in charge of signing the patrols. He had a panicked look on his face.

"Maria. Some of the patrollers haven't made it back on their usual schedules and there's a storm out there worsening! We must send people out to help find them!" He exclaimed, gaining the attention of several bystanders around.

Maria frowned in thought, she nodded in hesitation, "Uhh, okay. Okay.. we'll round up some people to go out and-"

You cut her off, "Are all of them not back?" Panic rose in your chest as the thought of losing Ellie easily made its way into your mind.

The man nodded.

Your blood ran cold as a you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

"I'll go."

Maria scoffed and looked at you as if you had grown another head, "Y/n, are you crazy? Your goddamn leg!"

You shook your head, "I don't care! Ellie is out there and so is Joel and Jesse and.. and-"

Your mind grew fuzzy rather quickly. Your mouth turned dry as you closed your eyes and focused on your breathing in an attempt to calm down.

"Ellie.. Ellie is out there. They all might be in danger and i'm going to help, whether you like it or not."

Maria ran a hand through her swept back blonde her and huffed softly. She didn't know what to say. Telling you that you couldn't go was futile, she knew how hard you would fight back. You were just as stubborn as Ellie and it showed.

"Dammit Y/n." She cursed beneath her breath.

"Just get to the stables. You know Joel's route, right?"

You nodded, "I used to do them with him."

"Alright. Grab some ammo and your gun on the way out. I'll follow you far behind."

You nodded and turned, limping away slightly in a hurry, making your way towards the stables. Maria watched you disappear around the corner.

She had a bad feeling about this.

Ellie x Female!Reader [The Last Of Us 2]Where stories live. Discover now