Run Down

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"It's very warm out."

You spoke softly to your red haired girlfriend.

Shimmer's trots echoed throughout the silent, desolate, city.

"Mm, you said it." Ellie replied with a soft tone.

It had been a day since you both reached Seattle. You were tired and your joints were aching.

"Have you ever been to Seattle?" You asked Ellie, your hands clasped onto her backpack.

"No, not really. I've never been here." She replied.

You nodded in understanding and gazed around the large open environment with curiosity.

There were so many buildings with green nature snaking up the sides. Nature had taken its place again and took over the man made buildings all around. You grew up outside of Jackson almost on the other side of the country and it had been years since you last experienced a tour downtown.

"How are you feeling?" You asked Ellie softly.

She hummed quietly, "Tired. The heat is hurting my head. What about you?"

You kept gazing around the scenery, dodging her question as the awe had you caught up, "Do you thing there's any good supplies in these buildings?"

Ellie pulled Shimmer to a halt, "We can give it a look."

You smiled and hopped off the horse before Ellie could. You headed towards a tall building with broken windows.

"Y/n wait." Ellie called out to you and followed on far behind. Her heart pounded just watching you wonder over to the building aimlessly.

You hopped in through the open window and stared about.

A loud shrieking caught you off guard and a clicker had launched itself head first towards you. You screamed and fell back with the infected ontop of you.


Ellie wasted no time jumping after you. She ripped the clicker away from you, driving her blade into its fungal neck. Throwing the body away from you both, Ellie hurried over to your aid and crouched beside you.

"Are you okay?!" She grabbed your shoulders and studied your face.


She gave you a puzzled luck and tried to form a reassuring smile until you lifted up your arm for her to see.

"Oh.. Y/n..."

A fresh bite mark gouged into your arm made Ellie push herself back into the wall behind her. She began to hyperventilate, holding her face into her arms.

"No no!! WHY?"

You sighed in frustration and lay on your back, staring up at the ceiling with no word and no wonder on what to do next.

"No no no no.."

Ellie bolted up right from her makeshift bed.

"Woah! Ellie? Are you okay? Was it another bad dream?"

You were leaning against Shimmer who was laying curled up behind you. She shifted in her sleep from Ellie's sudden action.

"Oh my.. god. You're okay.. you're.. o-okay.."

A sigh escaped your lips as they slowly curved into a gentle smile. "Try to keep it down, I don't know if we cleared ALL infected before settling for the night."

Ellie sat up right and stared right at you. "You got bit."

You smiled wider and giggled softly. That giggle was music to Ellie's ears.. it eased her nerves. Knowing that it was just a dream, she couldn't be more grateful about having you here with her right now.

"Well, I can most definitely assure you that it was just a dream. No bite mark to be seen on my body." You reassured her.

Ellie leaned over to the blazing fire that you had lit hours ago and warmed her hands up.

"Are you tired yet?" Ellie asked, glancing up at you.

You shook your head and patted the ground beside you. "I had a feeling you would've woken up so I waited. Me and Shimmer are sharing body heat.. would you like to be the third?"

Ellie chuckled to herself and grabbed her blanket without another word. She sat beside you and pulled her blanket over the two of you. Her arm snaked around your shoulder and you leaned into your girlfriend.

The fire crackled ahead and you stared into the flames.. almost as if you were in a trance. Ellie placed a soft kiss on the top of your head and rested her chin there.

"A part of me wishes that you would've stayed back at Jackson. I don't want you to get hurt."
Ellie spoke in a low tone, a sigh escaping her lips.

You looked up at her with wide eyes. "Remember what I said.. you go, I go, right?"

She smiled down at you and kissed your forehead gently. "Try and get some sleep. We're almost in Seattle.. I'd like to leave first thing."

You hummed in approval and closed your eyes, cuddling into Ellie's chest.

You felt safe in her arms, safe from any strain of infected or any human threat. You knew that she loved you very much and you felt the same.
i am so sorry for the late update holy shit. it's been really rough for me lately and i haven't been able to find the motivation to write for a long time now. i've started college now so maybe i can find the time after settling in. i've recently been replaying part two and i got a boost of motivation to update this book! i'm sorry it's so short but next chapter will be a bit longer. i'm trying to get back into the swing of thinks.. so thank you all so much for being patient with me, i love you! 🤍

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