Fuzzy Feeling

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Author's POV:

7PM crept up on Y/n painfully slowly. She sat silently in the dining hall, eating her supper alone in the corner like she always would. She sighed softly and swallowed her food that she shovelled into her mouth. Everyone had either gone out to hunt or back to their rooms by now. The young female sat back against the wall, her eyes examining the partly taken tables in front of her. She sighed again and placed her cutlery onto her tray, picking it up and rising from the seat. She carried the tray over to the half full sink and dropped it in, rolling down her jacket sleeves with a grunt.

Y/n trudged down the halls until she arrived at her room, pushing open the door and stepping in. The musty air within her room smelled of damp shoes and rotting wood. That smell was normal in these days now, the world and humanity had gone to shit as it is. Hygiene was the least of everyone's problems anymore.

Y/n closed the door behind her with her foot. She kicked off her shoes and let her unzipped jacket fall onto the floor by her bed. All that was left to do now it wait for 7PM to roll in. She sat down onto her bed slowly and exhaled. The feeling of boredom instantly loomed in on her. She frowned and let her head drop backwards, letting out a low groan.

Her eyes glanced over to the clock lazily, it read 6:51PM. The time seemed to have passed by quicker than she thought. However, she decided to wait until bang on 7PM. It would show Ellie that Y/n wasn't impatient, although she felt antsy just waiting nine minutes.

She scoffed her socks against the wooded floor numbly and let out a gagged sigh.

A sudden knock at her door made Y/n jump. Her eyes widened before she stood up, trudging towards the door and opening it.

There stood Ellie with her guitar and her hair let down, accept for a bun at the back of her head. Y/n smiled warmly, "Hey Y/n." She smiled brightly and tilted her head downwards, inspecting Y/n's porcelain, "Would you mind if I offer your lesson in your room?" Y/n shook her head and slid to one side, allowing Ellie entry, "I don't mind at all."

Ellie nodded a thanks and strolled in, setting her guitar down by the side of Y/n's bed. Ellie took a brisk glance about, "Wow, Y/n. You sure keep your room cleaner than I do with mine." They both shared a light giggle. As Y/n sat down in her chair by the dressing table. She rested her chin onto the back of the chair and tilted her head to the side. Ellie huffed and shuffled her body round to face Y/n. She strummed her guitar once and positioned her hands, "Okay so, just watch my hand movements, I'll play slowly at first so you can get the jist of it."

Y/n smiled wider and nodded, glancing down at her positioned hands. She observed the girl closely. Ellie began to strum a sweet tune, she hummed along with it, moving her hands up and down the guitar and plucking the strings at the right time in the right spot. Y/n bit the inside of her lip harshly, she no longer had her gaze rested upon Ellie's hand movements. She was now staring right at Ellie, swooning cutely at the concentration in her face and the beautiful sound that came from her lips.

This went on for another five or ten minutes. Ellie continued to pluck at each note on the old guitar. Y/n was not paying attention to the movements of her hands or the different pitches of each note. Instead, all she could hear was the sweet tune fade away slowly as she fell into a trance. It was as if the whole world around her had faded, just for her and Ellie in this moment. Ellie opened her mouth and begun to sing. She softly sang along with the strumming of her guitar as the melody perked up, bringing Y/n back to reality.

"Went out one night to make a little round, I met little Sadie and I shot her down. Went back home jumped into bed, 44-pistol under my head."

Y/n's eyes widened as she had recognised the song she had chosen to play. For the next verse, she decided to chime in with Ellie and surprise her with the sudden expert knowledge of the song.

"I woke up in the morning round half past nine."

Y/n began to sing along with her as she looked up from her strumming, a small smile making its way onto her hardened features.

She stopped suddenly and grinned widely, "Wow. I didn't expect someone like you to know that song."

Y/n shrugged and rose from her chair across the room, making her way over to Ellie and sitting beside her happily.

"Keep playing! I love that song."

Ellie chuckled softly and began to strum at her guitar once more. She played throughout the song thoroughly, the two girls singing along to the lyrics softly. Y/n closed her eyes and leaned back onto her hands, singing every lyric of the song in the correct moment and in the right pitch.

Y/n hadn't noticed that Ellie had stopped singing a while ago. She carried on strumming the catchy tune and let Y/n sing along to the melody to her heart's content.

Ellie looked towards Y/n. She smiled gently and gazed off into the distance, taking in her sweet voice. She enjoyed every second of it.

The song came to a stop as Y/n parted her closed eyelids, immediately glancing over to Ellie.

Ellie bit her bottom lip in thought. Y/n giggled like a little girl, "So, how did I do?"

Without anymore thinking, Ellie hastily placed her guitar to one side and wasted no time engulfing Y/n's soft, plump, lips into a loving, passionate, kiss. Y/n gasped at first but she returned the kiss, closing her eyes as she melted into Ellie's arms. Ellie gripped around Y/n's waist as Y/n tied her arms around Ellie's neck.

They both pulled away at the same time and stared into one another's eyes.

"Holy shit.." Ellie mumbled.

Y/n laughed softly and playfully pushed Ellie, "Hey! Don't ruin the moment."

Ellie smiled and laughed softly. It seemed that the kiss had fuelled the strong, warm, feeling inside of Ellie's stomach.

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