You Go I Go

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Ellie sat silently in the kitchen. She bobbed her knee up and down and stared at the tiled floor below her. The atmosphere around the house was a dull sensation and extremely depressing. Ellie was waiting for you to come out of the shower. It was early in the morning, she felt as if she'd had plenty of time.

The bathroom door clicked open after an agonising wait. Ellie looked up and rose from the chair almost immediately. Her blood ran cold.

You strutted into the kitchen whilst towel drying your hair. Your face lit up once you saw Ellie standing in the kitchen, waiting for you.

"Hey, you wanted to talk?" You smiled up at her, trying your best just to stay in good spirits for Ellie.

Ellie closed her eyes for a few seconds before opening them again with a light sigh. You gazed up at the auburn haired female in curiosity, waiting for her next thread of words. Ellie had sat back down and gestured for you to sit down in the dining chair ahead of her. You turned and slowly perched into the chair in front of Ellie.

"Now.. I care about you, Y/n, I love you a lot too." She started slowly.

You stared into her green eyes that avoided eye contact with your e/c ones.

"I've made a decision that I'm sticking with until it's over. I'm going after the WLF."

Your eyes widened within a heartbeat and you gasped. You were taken aback from Ellie's sudden answer, was she crazy?

"Ellie.. are you insane? You don't know how large that group is.. h-.. how many there are!"

Ellie cursed beneath her breath, she knew that this would happen, "Y/n, I don't care. If it was me or you, Joel would be halfway to Seattle by now."

You scoffed in disbelief and put your hands onto your hips, "How do you plan on finding them?" Ellie folded her arms and pursed her lips, "They're from Seattle. I can just make it to the city and go from there, them and their group have to be crawling around that place."

You dropped the damp towel onto the kitchen counter and turned your back to Ellie with closed eyes. Ellie sported a hurtful expression as she stared at the back of your head. Silence filled the air and the tension between the two of you grew.

"I'm not asking you to come with me.. I'm telling you that I'm going." Her eyes glistened with warm tears. You kept quiet before slowly turning around, your gaze averting to the falling snow outside.

You hiccuped in a soft sob and wiped the tears that began streaming from your eyes. Slowly, you turned around to face Ellie and looked her dead in the eyes.

"Ellie. I made myself a promise awhile ago. Wherever you go.. I go."

Ellie's bottom lip trembled and she pulled you into her warm embrace tightly. You held back your helpless sobs and wrapped your arms around your taller girlfriend. She smiled lightly but deep down she felt so much heavy guilt from dragging you along like this. Although, it was your decision to come along, you cared way too much about Ellie to let her go alone.

"How will we leave the town? All patrols have been postponed for the next few weeks.. nobody wants to take anymore risks."

She held your elbows and looked down at you, "We're gonna have to sneak out. Last night whilst you were sleeping, I snuck out and left my bag by the north entrance.. we can go from there, just trust me."

You nodded up at her.

"Okay.. okay."

"I just need to pick up a few things before we go.." Ellie stepped over the small fence that separated you from Joel's small grave. You huffed in pain and looked up at Ellie. Her puffy eyes told you everything she was feeling.

Ellie x Female!Reader [The Last Of Us 2]Where stories live. Discover now