Her Head Is Spinning

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You never thought that you'd be able to sleep after the incident. It took you aback once you returned home and managed to lay upon your bed with Ellie. The only problem.. Ellie couldn't sleep. Her head spun round in circles and the horrific scenario replayed in her mind over and over. Her eyes bloodshot and wide, Ellie sat up wearily.

Your sleeping form was laying silently beside her, your back was facing her.

Ellie stared straight ahead of her. She couldn't rest.. she couldn't even relax. Her father figure beaten to death in front of her was more than traumatic.

She slowly stood from the bed and shakily made her way over to the kitchen. The darkness around the house corroded in her mind and thus caused her to become even more in pain. Her chest and face ached endlessly from the physical confrontation that she had also faced earlier before. Painkillers weren't helping her and neither was her usual rest.

She ran the tap in the sink and filled up a simple glass with some water. With a sigh, she leaned against the kitchen counter and took small sips of the cold liquid. Her eyesight danced with squiggles of lines and she struggled to adjust to the darkness. A constant headache pounded at her temples.

The floorboards creaked after what seemed hours of a long, painful, silence. You slowly made your way into the kitchen and stopped once you saw Ellie grasping onto a glass of water as if her life depended on it.

"Ellie..?" You rubbed your eyes and Ellie averted her gaze towards the floor.

Moving towards her, you brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, "Is everything alright?" She tapped her foot slightly and slowly looked down at you. With a sigh, Ellie took your wrist into her hand and placed a gentle kiss within the palm of your hand. You smiled softly and lifted your hand up to caress her bruised cheek.

"I can't sleep, Y/n." She shut her eyes in an attempt to avoid eye contact with you. You gave a worrisome glance and anticipated her next words.

"I can't sit here knowing that they're just gonna get away with it." Her eyes began to fill up with tears and she pulled an irritated expression.

She sniffed up harshly and her lips parted. You stepped back slightly in an attempt to give her some space, "But.. where are they all even from?" You questioned, leaning against the kitchen counter behind you after taking the half empty glass of water from Ellie.

Ellie folded her arms and stared at the water swirling around in the glass.

"WLF. Washington Liberation Front. They're from Seattle, I saw it on their badges."

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "How do you know that they didn't just steal those jackets?"

Ellie shook her head, "No. I don't see why they'd do that."

"Just a thought." You added.

Silence was dropped on the two of you yet again. You sighed softly, "Baby, i know you can't sleep.. but can you at least come lay with me? I just want you to try and rest at least."

Ellie's gaze slowly travelled up your small form stood before her. Your adorable face was enough for her to give in to almost anything. Ellie had realised at this moment just how much she loves you. After losing Joel, she wouldn't want to lose you too. God help anyone who lay even a fingertip on you.

She managed to crack a tiny smile. With a slightly irritated sigh, she gave a silent nod and tiredly followed you back to the small bedroom.

You lay down underneath the covers and Ellie climbed on top of them next to you. You cuddled into her side as her arm automatically wrapped around you. Her droopy eyelids kept tugging at her eyes but she fought sleep to avoid the oncoming, inevitable, nightmares.

The events of yesterday continued to play throughout her mind. She wanted revenge and at this point, that option was completely unavoidable.


You pulled her from her horrific thoughts and she hummed quickly in response.

"I love you."

Ellie closed her eyes. Those three, sweet, words that came from your mouth always made Ellie feel so safe and warm.

"I love you too."

You smiled and leaned up to kiss the pulsating bruise on her cheek once more.


You rested your head onto her warm chest and hummed in response to your name.

"There's something I need to talk to you about in the morning."

Your eyebrows knitted themselves together in thought as you stared ahead at the darkness around the stuffy room. The atmosphere was an awful sensation of depression.

"Why not now?" You asked without thinking.

Ellie sighed gently and stared up at the ceiling above, "I just want you to have your rest. I'm tired and so are you." She mumbled her last sentence with slight hesitation.

Your mind swirled around with different scenarios and many different possibilities as to what Ellie needed to tell you. Your overthinking began to settle in and your stomach just dropped which caused you to feel a tad bit sick.

"It's not anything bad is it?"

Ellie shocked her head and mumbled a reassuring 'no' for you. Your nerves were eased by the slightest but something still just wasn't sitting right with you.

"It's not really tell.. it's more of an ask."

Your tired eyes slowly closed and your anxiety kicked in. Your stomach fluttered and you buried your sore face, from crying, into Ellie's side.

"Yeah.. let's talk about it in the morning." You spoke muffled into Ellie's side, she still managed to understand what you had said to her.

Relief and worry began to wash over Ellie. Her anticipation of asking you to come along with her to Seattle was eating away at her now. Although, the relief gave her a feeling that she was able to come up a certain way to ask without sending you off in a terrified tangent.

Whatever answer you would give, Ellie was still going to Seattle with or without you. That hardship, the thought of Ellie pursuing this journey alone, would be enough to drive you over the edge. Ellie knew for a fact that you would feel the need to go with her and that's where the guilt came in.

Ellie was truly overwhelmed with emotion. Over the time Ellie had been deep in her thoughts, you had drifted back off to sleep in her arms. She sighed yet again in relief. A soft sob escaped her lips and she swallowed harshly in an attempt to prevent her crying. Ellie didn't want to wake you up, she believed that you had been through enough in the last month.

She turned on her side and wrapped her arms around your sleeping body, pulling you closer to her. Ellie exhaled shakily with closed eyes and buried her face into your hair. She sobbed silently and whispered,

"Please don't leave me, too."

Ellie x Female!Reader [The Last Of Us 2]Where stories live. Discover now