For Ivony

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This is for Ivony. I think you mentioned liking Canada so i decided to make this for you. Warning: it is a lemon! Not lime! ;D Please enjoy with caution and "good" details.
"Hey, Ivony! Want to go collecting sunflowers?" Asks Russia.
"I can't. Maybe next time, I need to take a shower." You reject him as you go upstair, and past Canada's bedroom. You quickly run past as France, Prussia, and Alfred appear in Canada's bedroom.
"Ohonhonhon!! Bonjour Matthew~!" France spoke up, twirling a rose in his fingers.
"Hey dude! Guess who has a crush on you!" Alfred smirked as Canada tilt his head after looking up.
"Wh-" He starts.
"IVONY DOES! SHE REALLY LOVES YOU!" Prussia yells out. Canada blushes and starts to push them out.
"Th-thats not funny guys!" He protested with a blushing face. The trio laughs and leave.
"But its true Matthew!" France chirped out as he and the other two males went downstairs.
"Stupid guys. She doesn't even notice me..." He sits down and continues to read a book. Pretty soon, he hears the shower head turn on, and hears your beautiful voice singing. He starts to blush a bit as his buldge starts to ache a bit. "N-no..! She doesn't even know me!" His buldge aches even more so he takes his pants off and rubbed himself thinking it'll help. "OH WHY IS THE BATHROOM NEXT DOOR?!" He starts to get perverted images in his mind of you moaning out his name as your bodies entwine together, being defenceless and heated. He quickly put on his pants as he peeked put of the bedroom. 'I need to stop this.. and I need it gone now..' He smiles as he walks next door and opens the door. 'I guess she forgot to lock up..' He smiles as he walks in and locks the door. He undresses and opens the shower curtain, as you still sing.
When you notice him, you blush deeply and try to cover up. He smirks as he gets in with you and pins you to the wall as he quickly kisses you. You stare at him with a red face but relax a bit and kiss back, allowing him to explore your mouth. He pulls back and looks at you.
"I..I'm sorry!" He quickly apologizes before biting ur left breast, before doing the same to your right one. You let out some moans as he smiles at you.
'mental note to self, kill France, Prussia, and Alfred. They must have told him..' You thought to yourself as Matthew kissed and licked you neck, looking for a sensitive spot. When he finds it, he bites and sucks on it, leaving a hickey as you moan a lot. He, then, kisses you as he slids you down. He lays you down and gets over you. He starts to finger you as he kisses, or at least begs to enter your mouth. When you allow him, he quickly enters your mouth as he potions himself.
"Are you ready...? Are you sure you want to do this...?" He asks as you glare at him," YES! NOW JUST FU-" You get caught of when he enters you. You start to tear up and scream in pain and pleasure as he starts to go at a slow pace. He pulls out, flips you onto your back and gets inside again, leaving you to yell again.
"SOOO .. TIGHT!!" He moans as some blood leaks out. "I-Ivony,'re a virgin?!" He stops. "Do you still want to continue?" You nod at him and he starts to pump again. Pretty soon, he's pumping hard and gets deeper. And you keep moaning loudly.
"GYAAAA!!" You moan loudly. Canada and you moan each other's names and a bit later, he pulls out and washes up with you.
When you get out, he helps you dress up and then dresses himself up. You give him a peck on the lips.
"I love you..." You whisper.
"I love you too Ivony.." He smiles.
As he opens the door, everyone is watching you, shocked.
"Uh..rape..?" Canada chuckled sheepishly.

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