Pirate England x Reader

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England sighed. He took a ship and sailed off to find new land. You look over at him. You volunteered to come, along with a few other men. It was almost a month since you last seen land.
"Another lass got thrown over bored." He announced. You gulped nervously.
"Was he saved, sir?" You ask quietly. He shakes his head 'no'. You frown and stand up. "Why not captain?" He simply looked up at you, staying seated on his chair in his office.
"Well, would ya risk losing more of yer crew, just to save one lass?" You froze. He had a good point there, but someone could have at least thrown him a rope to hang onto so they could pull him up.
"Well, I guess-" BANG! The door burst open.
"Captain! We found land! We found America!!" A crew mate yelled out. You smiled as you ran out. England sighed, worriedly and remained seated.
"Thank ya lass." The mate nodded and ran outside, smiling with pride. Inside, England sighed sadly. "Who knew that time passes quickly.." He muttered before going to his room.
Every one spent the first couple of hours partying and celebrating the fact that their journey was coming to an end. At midnight, they all left to their rooms, but one crew mate walked to your room and entered.
"Go to you room Brian, your drunk." You both giggled/chuckled. He shakes his head 'no' with a smile.
"The captain wants to see you. He's in his bedroom though." He left and went to his room, the one he shared with Anthony, the one who stays in the bird's nest, looking for the land. You get up and slowly glance at Gilbert, the person you shared your room with. You walk over, kiss his forehead, and leave the room. As you close the door behind you, you stop to wonder why the captain needs you in his room.
"Maybe,.." Your eyes widen. "Nah~" You giggled quietly as you went to his bedroom. Only moments after how you entered, the door slammed closed and the room grew dark quickly. There weren't any candles because they would burn the ship after its tilts. You felt around trying to find your way out, but instead, you come face-to-face with his chest.
"C-Captain..?" You felt your self blush a bit and you fell onto the bed as you heard a deep sigh.
"Ello lassie." The voice was a sad one.
"Wh-what's wrong?" Everything was puzzling for you, but you tried to keep yourself from blurting out questions quickly.
"Well, America is the shoreline between us, between you and me. Alfred will surely take you away, along with my crew." He sits by you. "And I don't want to loose you.."
"C-Captain.." You muttered. He looked over at you. "I-i think I l-like you.." He smiled for a second or two. You were going to add something else, but you were stopped as you felt rough lips brush against your soft ones.
"MMH?!" Your eyes widen as you blush some more, but despite those surprised actions, you wrapped you arms around his neck. He slowly leaned over you until he ended up on top of you. You smile and he pulls away a bit and looks down at you.
"I-is it alright with you if we.." He muttered. You nodded with a playfully teasing smile.
"Maaaaaaybe. Maaaaybe not cx" You giggle as you slip his jacket off. He smiles as he threw it to a side. 'Your turn,' he thought as he sat you up. You undid the buckle of the belt that went over your right shoulder and across your chest. Then he took your shirt off. He looked at your chest then yanked the bra off of you, making it broken, and leaving some marks on your back. You smile shyly as you cover chest. He looked at you as you smile sheepishly. He chuckles as you simply look at his shirt.
"Ah. You want you check out my build, eh (y/n)." He chuckles as you look up at him suddenly. Never has he ever called you by your name. He takes off his shirt, revealing a few cuts.
You wrap your legs around England and look at his wounds before you kiss each one, showing that you love him dearly. He smiles shyly and kisses you passionately. You kiss back as you unwrap your legs, allowing him to pin you down. You smile a bit as he makes his way down to your neck, where he tries searching for your sensitive spot. You gasp a bit when he ran his tongue over it. He licks the same spot again, causing you to gasp again. He smiles and bites that spot gently before sucking, licking, and chewing on that little spot, causing a little love mark.
"Small enough to not be seen, big enough to prove your mine.." He whispered into your ear and you smiled. You blushed a bit and kiss him. He kisses back, as he starts to rub your lower region. You moan out, right before he bites your chest and nibbles on one side, then the other. You let out more moans when he does that. Then, his finger slipped in. You almost screamed.
He moved his finger inside of you as you tear up a bit. He looks up and kisses your tears away. You whimper as he slips in another finger. You groan louder in pain. He pulls out and slips inside of you. You moan super loudly as he gets sad.
"So your not a virgin..?" He asked sadly as you nodded with a shy smile.
"A-at least I could go get pregnant..." You blushed as he smirks and thrusts hard into you, smiling widely. You moan loudly, happy for being with England right now.
"I love you, (y/n). In so many ways, you can't even imagine.." He whispered after pulling out a little while ago. You kissed him one, last, time.
"Same goes for you too, captain.." You cuddled close to England and fell asleep calmly, knowing that you're safe by his side.

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