France x Reader

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A/n: please don't hate him Dx he's lovely and a human like us. He deserves to be treated nicely. ;-; p.s. I call the bad touch triothe 'perverted  trio"'...only because (a)I'm used to calling them that and (b)I forgot that was their original name. Not to mention (c),..they are all perverter anyway~ x'D have fun reading ;3
Today was the day. Today was the day you will finally admit your love to France. France, the guy you always wanted to hump. The guy you always wanted to rub your lower regions against his own. You slowly walked over to his house. Your friend called him earlier, so she and you can come over. When you enter, you see the perverted trio, France, Spain, and Prussia.
"Oh, bonjour~" France cooed. Prussia nudged him as Spain left to do something.
"Hey bro!! (Y/n) wants some!!" She winks at them before Prussia hugged her from behind, already biting her neck and picking her up. She giggles as she kisses him on the lips as he carries her to his bedroom, which Spain has made.
"Heh.." France chuckles as Spain dusts off his hands and looks up.
"Oh yeah." He quickly leaves to get France's bed set up while the moaning was getting loud from Prussia's room.
"AHH!! P-PRUSSIA!!!" Your friend moaned out. France smirked as you quickly looked up at the room that the moaning came from.
"Oh don't worry (y/n),.." He cooed as he pinned you to a wall. He leaned down and whispered huskily into your ear,"you will be moaning like that as well." He smirked as you eyes widened and you blush as you look straight across of you.
Spain waved hello and smirked as he grabbed his wallet and left,"Well I'm gone, see you tomorrow!" He walks out the door, and right before it closes, you hear some snickering and rustling in the bushes in front of the house.
France playfully bit your neck as you perked up. You blush more and look at him as he slowly starts to press against your body. You whimper a bit then moan quietly as he kisses you and starts to grind on you. He takes your hands and pins them above your head. He makes his way down to your neck where he leaves small hickeys everywhere until he finds your soft spot, where he leaves a bigger one.
"U-Uh, F-France..." You started. He quickly kissed you and picked you up, carrying you to his bedroom.
"Shh....Let your actions speak for you.." He comes quietly. You nod before pinning him down. You had to show him that you really love him now. You smirk before ripping his shirt off. He smiles evilly.
"This is a side I always want to see." He whispered as you blush. You go down and lick his stomach, all the way down to his member. You slowly take his pants off, along with his underwear and looked at him. It was larger that you ever imagined. You take the tip and quickly put it into your mouth before you started to pick and play around with it. France moaned a bit before shoving more of himself into you (like me into my bed o o) before his cum shot back into your throat. You licked off all of it and he pinned you down after you pulled his "little" friend out of your mouth.
"My turn to play around with your body..(y/n).." He whispered huskily into your right ear. You nod slowly and whimper a bit as he strips you down slowly, making himself a strip tease with your body. You covered your chest and France growled playfully. You looked up at him as he grabbed by your wrists and pinned them above your head. "Don't hide your beautiful,sexy body from me..." He now sounded like an offender, which turned you on. You smirk and try to fight his hands off, but you frowned when you couldn't take him off. He sat on you as if you were his horse saddle and smirked as he leans down and bites one breast. You yelp out as he does that. He keeps your hands pinned with one hand as he grabs your left breast with the other. You moan a bit. He starts to massage it, making you moan more. Your moaning was music to his ears.
Then, he started to go up a bit and he started to lick and bite playfully all over your neck. He leaves little hickeys everywhere. He finds your soft spot and bites hard on it.
You moan out. He smirks and lets his free hand travel down, towards your baby making spot, and he starts to rub it.
"Tell me, my love, do you know what my name is..?" He whispered. You nodded.
"F-France.." You murmured as he rubbed harder.
"Louder my dear..."
"F-France." You repeated. Your were still quiet.
"Louder (y/n)! Say it louder!" He sort of yelled out. He then rubbed hard, and his finger slipped inside.
"FRANCIS!!!!!" You yelled out when it did. He smiles and kisses you as he starts to enter another finger in. You moan out even louder and he starts to move his fingers inside of you, slowly entering third one. You almost scream when he does. He thrusts as the inner walls start to tighten around his three fingers. He pulls then out before you cum over his fingers.
"Not right now.." He went down and stuck his tongue inside. You moan even louder. He moves his tongue around as your inner walls, again, start to get tight around his tongue. He pulled out only seconds before you cummed. You groan in sadness as you look at him.
"Heh, not right now." He murmured. You groan once more as he gets over you.
He starts to rub his tip around your entrance. You moan a bit.
"Let's retry this, whats my name..?" He whispered.
"France." You stated.
"What is it?" He asked, his tip going around your opening.
"France!" You say louder.
"I can't hear you.." His member gets closer to the center.
"Its,.." You started. You take a deep breath and jerk your lower regions upwards, getting the member inside of you. You scream out his name, both in pleasure and pain. "FRANCIS!!!!!"
He groans and continues to thrust. You moan loudly. He smirks and bites your chest as he lets you go. You quickly wrap your legs around his waist, making him go deeper as he massages one breast while biting the other. He smirks as your moaning become his music.
"F-France! I-I'm-!!" You yelled as you cummed over his member. He moaned as well.
"Now..." He murmured a bit too late. You giggled as he continued to thrust.
A bit later, he pulled out and hugged you close as he covered you both with some blankets.
"I love you Francis. I always really wanted to do this..." You confess as he kisses your one last time.
"Same goes for you my love..." He says before you both pass out and fall asleep.
Extended Ending
On the next morning, you wake up hearing moaning and quickly go take a shower. Francis on his clothes and brushed his hair before following the moaning, with you (after uou came out dressed), into the living room, where Spain was showing your best friend and Prussia a video. Not an ordinary video,...but a porn video.
As it started to end, you froze when you recognized the chat. It was a video of you and France from yesterday!! You lung at Spain but France catches you.
"Hey Spain, who were the people from that video? Who made it as well?" He asked. It almost seemed as him he had a plan up his sleeve.
"The person video taping was someone, and I was hoping you can tell me who they are." He winked at you and France.
"Ahh. Prussia and (your friend's name) then?" France smiled. "I see. Well, the person videotaping with go to ye ole stocks." He smirked.
"Oh!! Well, I-uh.. I need to go... Go...wash my dog!! Yep! My dog is so messy I named him Spot. So um...yeah... BYE!!" He runs away as everyone laughs.
France hugs you from behind as Prussia chuckles.
"You two make a cute couple." He smirks.
"Well, we are dating, so that's good.." France replied as your face got red.
Thanks for reading cx Please check out my other book of lemons called 'Creepypasta Lemons'. Its the same thing, only with more lemons on it cx have a nice day, peace~

P.S. I'm not doing as much lemons here as in my other lemon nook because I don't know what other Hetalian lemons I should make. So please, if you have a request, tell me it!! ^~^

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