England (british officer) x reader (assassin?)

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Quick note, this is a quick short story before I "go to sleep". I think this is what strawberrystrawder requested xD Sorry if it wasn't Dx Enjoy~
"Okay little lady, name?" England asked. He was currently working off his debt as an officer. The reason he had to that job particularly, is because he lost a bet.
"That name's (last name), no. Make it, (last name), (first name)." You smirked. You were dared to act like an assassin, and got caught in a forest. The police claimed that you were eating flesh. Your friends weren't much help too, since they made the dare but didn't defend you.
England rolled his eyes. "(F/n) (l/n), right?" You nodded.
"Yeah only its-"
"Okay, got it." He hands you a ticket. "Make sure we don't catch you again. Your free to go, miss (l/n)." You sigh deeply as you grab the ticket and run off. You were really angry that they actually thought you killed someone. This time, you will.  At night, it all happened. England found you and was ashamed, though he wasn't really your dad, he only acted as one.
"So miss James Bond. Your coming with me." He chuckles as he handcuffs you from the front. He helps you into his car. He turns around and speaks to a few officers, nods, sits inside the car and starts to drive off after putting on the seatbelt.
"So, where are we heading to?"
"Okay Lil lady, we are going somewhere, don't ask me where. You shall never find out." He chuckled as you growled.
"Why not?!" You protested.
"You have the right to remain silent." He mumbled as he drove around a corner.
You smirk. "Too bad I'm not going to need it." You chuckled as he drove into a parking spot in front of a house. You look out the window before he helps you out.
"Where are we?" You ask as you look at the house, closer up. He leads you inside, where you see a normal, but very organized space. You were actually surprised.
"Heh, its a nice house don't you think?" He chuckles as he leads you upstairs. For a single guy, he was living pretty well. Then again, its better to be single rather than to be with a girlfriend because that way, you worry about no one raping you at night or people wasting your sources.
He pushed you onto his bed in the bedroom and locks the house. He enters the room you were in and smirks as he locks the door. He gets over you and smiles as he puts your cuffed hands over you head.
"Now, we both know that bad girls need to be punished." He starts to whisper huskily into ear. You whimper as he rips your clothes off. He tips his own off and rubs his tip around your entrance. You moaned as you blushed.
"Qu-quit teasing me--!!" He sighs and gets inside of you. You moaned loudly, proud that you lost your virginity a long time ago,...to the same officer, q few times ago. He was like your boyfriend, only, he wasn't dating anyone. He smirks and thrusts hard into you as you moan louder.
Later, in the morning, you woke up feeling funky. You rush to the bathroom and quickly, for no reason, take a pregnancy test. When you come out you wake up England. He looks at you, with sleepy eyes, that were half closed.
"Hmm.. What happened..?" He murmured. You show him a stick with a plus sign on it and his eyes widen at the sight.
"What?" He grabbed the stick and looked at you. He was trying really hard to get you pregnant, even though you weren't even dating. "Really?!"
You nod shyly as he hugs you tightly, kisses you, then your stomach and chuckles.
"(Y/n), I know we weren't really officially dating and all, but,.." He looks up. "This new child needs a father.. And I knew you more than any other person does. So-"
You,nod and kiss him passionately. "Yes!! Yes I will marry you!!" You kiss him again. As you pull away and hug him tightly, you started to imagine a little girl in between you and him, hugging tightly.
If you have any requests, I'll gladly do them. cx I'm currently working on 'France x Reader', but that's my last one for hetalia, so... Please, any requests?
//to desperate..
Shush o o *hides and frowns*

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