Russia x Reader

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It's not really a lemon, but more like a diary about what happened. Sorry about day,. . .seven i think it was x'D
Day one
Welp! I'm here. In Russia, for a confrence.. I'm reaaaaally scared. I think I've seen a few already. I came here with Prussia and his younger brother Germany. They treat me as a child of their's! How embarassing! Well I gotta go, Germany is already spliting up with Prussia to find me.
Day two
Fffff~  Dammit.. I've met a few more people I knew before. Russia,. . . oh how you changed from the last time we've met. I think,. . I think he became more handsome than back then. More mature as well, with the exception of him drinking vodka almost all the time. Ahh..( Dat three
YAS YAS YAS!!! YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSS!!! I GET TO SHARE MY DORM WITH RUSSIA... and Italy... I wonder, will Italy try to make Russia kiss me. Does Russia like me? I shall ask!! But, that'll be weird. Just casually walk up to Russia," Hey Ivan! Do you like me? I need to know so I could write it in a diary. A diary, yes. Now, answer my question, do you like me?"
. . . Nope o o
Day Four
Dammit. . . Italy was trying to lock me in a closet. . With Russia.. who's name is Ivan, just found out recently.. Oh well, thankfully, nothing happened except that Ivan broke the door down. Hee hee, he even became stronger!! x3
Day five
IT HAPPENED PEOPLE!! HE KISSED ME!! ITALY, IF YOU EVER READ THIS (a) damn you and (b) THANK YOU THANK  YOU THANK YOU!!!! And again, THANK YOU!! Italy was making dinner and I was helping him out, when suddenly, I went across the room and reach for a containor, that I couldn't reach, and Russia went over to help me. Italy smirked and pushed him onto me as I turned around, to back away a bit, and that made us kiss! Oh, I don't care if it was an accident or on purpose, I just love you right now Italy! x3 Wait,. . What if.. What if Russia didn't feel any, spark?! What if he hates me and then later on, got Italy punished for his "accident"?! Anywho, I hope Russia likes me back...
Day six
*Speechless, can't talk. Maybe tomorrow*
Day seven
Russia does love me.. He even did that yesterday! GOOD BYE MY VIRGINITY! *giggles* It was all because of Italy, oh, thank you Italy! Wait,. . .what if,...what if he loves me?!
~(Another lemon idea, woo x3)~ Anywho, Russia, please rember that I really love you.
Day eight
Awe, its time to go ;-; Russia, i really love you and all, but Germany and Prussia already claim me as their daughter. I'm sorry! I feel funky a bit, probably means I'm pregnant... I know it's a hard responsible task, but I'm up for it, because you are always there, always by my side. No matter, where we are.

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