America x England (UsUk)

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Dedicated to Kannon123. Enjoy o3o
"Sigh.." England was dared to work at a farm with America for a while. There was a ton of work to do, but Alfred won't help. "Alfred! Come here and help me feed the cows!" He called. Alfred groaned and sluggishly came over. "Alfred! What happened? You look like look like you got beat up!"
"I was at the gym, trying to work out, buy, some guy knocked into me and I fell crashing into another guy who was practicing on a gym back." He stated, groaning in pain as he hugs his stomach. "He didn't even miss.." Iggy quickly looked away then back at the other male.
"Oh.. Will you feel better tho?" The polite man asked. Alfred nodded.
"Hopefully..." England whispered. Alfred smiles.
"Thanks bro! You're so nice and cool!" He exclaimed happily. England smirked.
"Oh, I see my hope just came true. You lazy Lil boy. One day, this will go to far! You need to work out more Alfred!" He sighed. Alfred smirked as he put his hat onto the hay stack.
"Heh. Yeah, I should work out. Wanna help?" He smiles greedily as he unbuttoned his shirt. England nodded as he stuck the pitchfork into the hay stack. Alfred chuckled evilly as he kissed the other male. Iggy's eyes widened. He thought they were going to an actual gym, not. Not this! Iggy gave in into the kiss quickly, enjoying this time as the sun started to set.
Alfred unbuttoned his shirt and slipped this suspenders off as Iggy did the same to the other mate. Iggy pulls Alfred down into the hay stack and wraps his arms around his neck.
Alfred gladly took off Iggy's shirt as he teasingly slipped his own white shirt off. Iggy looked at Alfred and then at his pants. He smiled as he say on his legs and undid his pants. He got on his knees and slipped them down. He looked at his boxers and took those off as well. Iggy quickly came face to face with the member of Alfred, which he started to squeeze and bled go as he sucked. Alfred moans loudly as he tried to get deeper inside of his mouth.
"Ugh.. I-Iggy...!" He yelled out an warning before the liquid shot back the male's throat. He moaned louder as Iggy sucked it all. He pulled away and fell on his back. Alfred's turn.
Alfred yanked off Iggy's bottom wear and smirked. He want getting the same treatment. Alfred positioned himself over Iggy and looked up. "I-Is this alright..?" England nodded.
"Well, I let you go this far." He smiles before Alfred gets inside. America squealed in pain as Iggy gasped suddenly. After a little whole, the male and started to thrust into each other. England wraps his legs around the younger male as he moaned louder. The free nation quickly pulled out before reaching the climax. He grabbed England's legs and flipped him over. He put his hands on the other's hips and yanked him towards himself and thrusters into his behind. Iggy blushed and moaned loudly.
As they finished, the sky outside was a beautiful pinkish purple color. They wanted for air quietly as they looked at each others eyes.
"Iggy..." Alfred finally broke the silence, except for the sweet chirping sound of the birds outside. England looked over at him.
"I love you.." He smiled weakly. Iggy smiled and nodded.
"I love you too." He kissed him again before putting on his clothes. Alfred joined him and they went outside onto the swing. They sat by each other and enjoyed the sunset unto it was night time, where they spent most of the night looking at stars and getting to know each other some more. Maybe, this dare wasn't so bad after all?

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