Germany x Teen Reader

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Request from AmyBeilschmidt. Go check out their stories and enjoy :D~
You sighed lovingly as you stared into your laptop screen. You were alone in your dark room in the middle of the night, watching YouTube videos on how to doodle. You sighed, giving up as you began to draw something completely different.
Knock knock.
You perk up and look at the door as it creeks open. Germany. Your growl and roll your eyes as Germany enters.
"Hallo (y/n)." He saluted you. "Zid you finish your vork?" You simply nod before continuing.
"Hello father. Anything you want?" You growled slightly at him.
"Vhy, yes. But it can vait. So, (y/n)...."
"What is it. Spit it out, I wanna finish this in quickly."
"... Zo you like me?"
He spat out. You froze then looked at him. You were disgusted.
"Hell no. Why would I?!" You growled. You get up and fix your shorts. "Now listen here Germany. I do not like you. Never will, never have. Back off of me. Now what did you want." You growled louder. Germany watched you quietly before getting up.
"In case you've forgotten, I am ze adult here and you are simply a teenager. Okay? I vill not tolerate this anymore." You froze, being confused as he stood up and grabbed your wrists. He moved you back as he kissed you passionately. He kept leading you backwards to the wall as his kiss became more passionate. Your eyes widened as you blushed deeply. He pinned you to the wall behind you and continued the kiss. You fought to escape but he was too strong. You slowly gave into the kiss and returned it. He seemed proud of this because after he let your hands go, they immediately wrapped around his neck. Germany continued to go even further by running his hands down your sides and to your butt where he grabbed it. You blushed deeply and went with it.
Germany smirked and moved back.
"Silly girl.. I know you love me. Just zay it." Germany growled sexually. You blush a lot more as he sighs. And walks away. You growled as you went back to your bed and sat down. You were mad that he made you crave him desperately. You shake your head and lay down as someone enters the bedroom and locks it. It was Germany. You look over as he calmly walks over. You began to become really confused as he began to slip your pants off. You blushed deeply and slapped him. He growled and bite your inner left thigh softly. You moan slightly as he began to tie something around your thighs. You say up and looked at what he was doing. As soon as you saw, the black leather, you gasped and began to try to run. But Germany grabbed your arm. He tied a rope around it and grabbed your other one with ease and tied the hands together.
"Iz this too tight?"
"No. Why arentou doing this?" You began to cry a little bit.
"Too show you I am ze boss and you should reply properly." He whispered as he grabbed you and smirked. He took out a knife and you saw it with your blurry vision.
"Please no!" You yelled as he grabbed your shirt, raising you up a little. He cut through the shirt and began to tear it off. You blushed deeply and shook your head. Germany took off his shirt before noticing the heard and wiping them away.
"Zon't vorry, (y/n). It'll be okay. Just enjoy zis vhile you can." Germany smirked as he continued to strap you up. "That'z it. Who iz a good girl?" He smirked as you blushed deeply. You slowly get up and somewhat toggle over him. He looks at you and growled. "Ohohohoho.. Vhat zo you think you are zoing?" He asked as you slowly went down. With your tied up hands, you quickly undid his buttons and zipper. You slid them off before yanking his boxers down. He blushed deeply as you began to lick it before sucking on it. He moaned as you began to suck it harder while rubbing him. "Ahhhhhh~" He grunted quietly as you continued.
Germany arched his back and grabbed your hair, pushing himself more inside of your mouth. You blushed deeply as he began to squirt inside of you. He moaned louder as he released into you. The weird body liquid shot down your throat as you drank as much as you can.
As the liquid began to stop, Germany moved away. He pinned you down and smirked.
"It iz your turn, young lady." He smirked as he pinned you down. Germany began to tie your hands to a bed post. He spread your legs apart and tied ends of two different ropes to your legs. He tied one to the bed leg to your right, leaving it only slightly free. He did the same to your leg to the bed leg to your left. He smirked as he laid on his stomach and grabbed your sides before he blew cold air into your vigina. You shivered a little, letting out a tiny moan. Germany smirked as he began to lick you a little bit. He got closer and you could feel his hot breathe in between your legs. It felt so good as he licked you hard. He let his tongue inside and heard you gasp loudly. He began to move his tongue around as you desperately tried to escape the rope. You wanted to wrap your legs around him so badly. You moaned louder as you both continued. Suddenly, Germany moved back and you looked at him.
"G-Germany-" You froze quickly. He was playing with you. Like a dog. You were begging for more but at the same time, you were slapping yourself mentally.
"One moment." He smirked and walked out of the room. While he was out, you desperately tried to escape the rope and bondage thing.
You kept trying to escape. You stopped to think and began to try to move your legs out. No luck. They were tied backwards to the bed legs.
"Ugh.. I will not stand this. I need a way..... Fuuuuuuckk.." You growled as you began to look around for something that might work. You sighed as Germany walked in.
"Sorry. I vas going to France's room." He apologized as he closed and locked the door closed. He went to you. You froze and your eyes widened.
France's room.
You gulped nervously as you looked at him sit in front of you. Germany smirked as he gripped something in his hand.
"What's that?"
"France told me zis vill spice things up a bit." Germany smirked as he brought the item to your private space.
You screamed loudly and Germany quickly kissed you. Your screamed were muted as he turned the item on. A dildo.. How original.
German moved back and smirked as he watched you quietly. You blushed deeply as he crawled over. He smirked and took out another bondage suit thing. He put it on you as you blushed deeper. It was pressing your breasts together. He smirked and began to rub his dick against them. He moaned loudly as you felt the climax coming closer.
"Face or breasts?" Germany moaned louder as he grabbed your shoulders and rubbed harder against you. You blushed deeply.
"A-Anything is f-fine~ D-Daddyy~~" You moaned loudly.
"Good. Make sure zo keep it all in. Got it?" Germany smirked as he began to squirt a little bit again. You groaned as you sucked in your stomach, trying to keep it in.
"Germanyyy~~~" You moaned loudly.
"No. Not yet." He smirked before releasing into your breasts. You moaned even louder as you released a tiny bit. Germany growled.
"Bad girl. I said to keep it in." You frowned but kept moaning as you let go a little bit more. "Don't. Keep it all in. Or you will regret it." Germany said with a deep voice. You nodded before you tried squeezing your legs in together. No use.
"Uuuggghhhh~~" You blushed deeper. Germany continued to rub against your breasts before moving down and biting each breast. He squeezed the right breast as he bit and sucked on the other one. You moaned even louder as you almost released again. It was like he wanted you to. You soon got used to the vibrating and your moans became quieter. Germany noticed and didn't like this. He went to the devise and took it out. You let out a gasp and smiled as you began to catch up to your breath. Germany look at the devise and smirked. He put it on the extreme mode.
(or whatever. I dunno. Never owned a fucking dildo.)
You let out a sigh and looked at Germany just as he shoved the dildo back into you and turned it on. You immediately began to moan like crazy.
Germany smirked as he began to play with your breasts again. You moaned loudly as you began to squirt out a little.
"Zon't forget. Keep it in."
"But Germannnyyy~~" You moaned loudly as you released a bit more.
"Nyeehh~ DADDYYY~~"
You released onto the devise. It spilled a little bit out so Germany noticed. He growled and squeezed your breasts really tightly.
"I thought I told you not to. You bad girl."
You groaned even louder as he bit your neck. He removed the devise and entered two fingers. You moaned loudly as Germany continued to tease your body. You were tired and wish he stopped and just fucked you now.
"Daddyy~.." You moaned.
"Staph. Just enjoy this."
"But daddy~"
"You're right." Germany sighed and he moved away and untied you from the bed. He laid you on the ground and smirked. "You don't deserve any more pity or delightment. Time for your punishment." Germany smirked and rammed into your butt. You screamed and moaned loudly as he began to thrust into you. You groaned as your breasts were pushed against the wall and rubbed really hard as you were moving up and down. Germany grabbed your sides and raised your butt, making your breasts fall forward and begin to wiggle as he fucked the shit out of you.
(Badum tss.. Please don't kill me ;'-; xD)
You moaned even louder as Germany went faster. He quickly smirked and slowed down a bit as he grabbed the dildo and stuffed it into you again. You moaned louder as you squeezed your thighs together. Germany kept going at it for a little longer until he felt like he was going to explode. He moaned loudly as he came inside your butt. The liquids over flowed and spilled onto the floor. You bit your lower lip and moaned with Germany. His moan turned you on soo badly. This caused you to spill out a bit. Germany pulled out and flipped you onto your back, your butt landing in his cum. You looked at him as be smirked and went to your face and made you suck him again. You blushed so deeply as he began to release into you again. This just turned him on so badly.
Germany pulled out as he began to stop. He began to go down quickly. He just couldn't wait any longer. He pinned you down and looked at you. He stayed silent as he looked into your eyes and smirked. He rammed into you. You screamed as you felt it going into you so hard. You cried a little and begged him to stop as he began to thrust slowly. After he did it a few times, you began to crave more. Slowly but surely, your 'no's became moans and pleads for more. Germany smirked and pulled out. You looked at him.
"Nein. I told you, it's to prove I am ze boss here. I vill not take orders from you." Germany growled as he backed away. He turned on the devise from earlier and stuffed it into you again. You blushed deeply as you began to moan. Germany grabbed you and kissed you passionately. He soon took out the item and entered you again. You returned the kiss and put your tied hands over his head and enjoyed the moment.
Germany went faster and harder and pretty soon, you both let go of your juices. Germany let out a loud moan as he pulled out. He kissed you passionately before falling down next to you. You looked at him as you both panted for air. He smiled and looked at you.
"Germany...." You whispered.
"Ja?" He panted.
"I love you.... I wanted to tell you for do long."
Germany smiled. He got up and eyed you up and down. You were a blushing, wet mess. Germany bit his lower lip, wanting to go for it again.
"May I?" He whispered. You nodded and spread your legs as Germany got on top of you and untied your hands before entering you again. You squeezed your eyes and quickly gripped his back. You began to make scratch marks as he went harder against you. Germany began to bite your neck and play around even more. He began to reach his climax again and pulled out before spilling inside. Unfortunately, you were at your climax again. You released a lot as he did into your legs. You both moaned even louder. Germany went down to your breasts and began to play even more with them. He began to but them all over and suck on them as he gripped and pinched the other one.
You moaned even louder than before. This turned you on even more.
"Daddyyy~~" You moaned even louder as you released again. Germany switched breasts. You felt so dirty and used.
Germany soon went down and spread your legs really far apart. He began to lick you and enter his tongue inside of you. You moaned as he moved his tongue inside.
He took it out and looked at you.
"You better keep it all in until I allow you to release. Ja?" Germany growled playfully as he went back to your privates and licked. He entered his tongue as you wrapped your legs around his head. You gripped his hair as he began to move his tongue in and out. After a bit you began to shake a little. He growled and pinched your butt. He kept going even more. Moving his tongue in and out even more.
Germany pulled his tongue slowly. This made you think you can let go soon. You let out a large sigh of relief just as Germany out his tongue against you and presses as hard as he can and slowly licks you. You moan loudly as he did that a few more times. Germany looked at you and winked as he kissed you down there.
"Germany~" You moaned louder. You couldn't hold it in anymore and let go into his mouth. Germany sucks it all in before sticking his tongue inside again. You groan even more.
Germany pulled out and lays next to you, curling up. "You can take care of ze bondage, ja?" He smiled as he slowly fell asleep, panting for air quietly. You blushed deeply as you slipped away and undid the bondage and took it all off. You threw it away and went to the bathroom and washed yourself off. You went back to him and helped him into the bed. You curled up next to him and covered both of yourselves with a blanket.
YOOO!! This was hard x.x... Hope y'all enjoyed this. I know I sort of did 😂 (cwl). Anyways. The next chapter might be come in a week or two. I'm not sure. But yeah. Hope y'all enjoyed this.
Byeeeee! -salutes-

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