Today, Nothing Happened...

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It seems that most days seem to be something like the International Day of Origami, or National Satchel Week or similar. But I've never found a definitive list of them all. As much as I love finding out about them at the time, I'd quite like to know in advance what's coming up.

As a coffee drinker for example, I'd love to know when International Bean Grinding week is, as it'd give me the excuse to drink even more of the black stuff than I already do. I suspect I could (and probably will) google these in more depth, but is there an National Day of Nothing?

With all the other International weeks of this and National Days of that knocking around, it'd be quite nice if there was nothing happening one day.

The last time this officially happened (it was the BBC, it's official) was April 18, 1930. when a BBC Radio newsreader announced "Good evening. Today is Good Friday. There is no news." 

I think we should reinstate that once a year. Let's have a National Nothing Day, when people strive not to break anyone, not to make anything negatively newsworthy, or kick next door's cat. I'd quite like to hear poor old Huw Edwards, who always looks a little world weary, start the 10 o'clock news with 'Hi, nothing much is happening today, so we'll go straight to the weather. Have a good evening.'

I think it'd be kinda cool. Depending on the weather of course...

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