Chapter 12

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And now you may read the chapter...


"Damn you, little motherfucker!" I screamed at the TV. It was the day after my dad's party and all the boys had slept over since all of them except Liam got drunk and even with my dad, two security guards, and myself, we couldn't get the rest of them out to the car. Plus, this happened at about three in the morning and everyone just wanted to go to sleep. Right now, Louis, Liam, Niall and I were playing Call of Duty. They had just explained it to me and I was still trying to get the hang of it. And I just couldn't stand when someone killed me. At first they tried to calm me down, but caught on that it wasn't going to change anything.

After waiting for my person to come back, I went around the area attempting to kill someone, but it didn't work out that way. Suddenly, my person was dead again and I saw that Louis had killed me, yet again. I immediately stood up and threw my controller on the floor while shouting, "Damn you, Louis! I thought that we had an agreement?!"

He laughed at me and said, "We never shook on it."

I gave him another glare before walking away and falling back on my bed next to Zayn, while huffing in the process. Zayn looked at my frustrated face and said, "Vas happenin?"

"Louis keeps killing me in COD, that's 'vas happenin'."

He laughed at me and Niall shouted over his shoulder, "Only experienced gamers are allowed to call it COD!"

"So now you're gamers?"

"Yeah buddy."

I rolled my eyes before turning my head to Zayn, who was texting on his phone.

"So who are you texting?"

"Um, no one," he said blushing.

"Well now that you're blushing, I can tell that it is some one," I said to him while grabbing the phone from him. I jumped off the bed, past Harry, who was lying on the floor trying to sleep, and into the closet. I shut the door, turned the light off, and crawled into one of the very back corners. I just kept crawling. Man, this closet is never ending, I thought to myself. Maybe it's going to lead me to Narnia! Then I could brag to everyone and tell them that Narnia is in my closet! That would be an amazing, but hopefully no animals would escape from there.

Eventually, I found the corner of my closet and almost cried because there was no Narnia in here. And then I remembered I had Zayn's phone. Hehehe, finally access to everything Zayn. First, I looked to see who he was texting. At the top of the screen it said Perrie<3. Awh, he even put a heart after her name! That is so freaking adorable!

Next, I looked through his contacts (not like I was trying to be nosy), and finally, I went on his Twitter. He was still signed in! Mwahahahaha! He definitely wasn't expecting me to steal his phone then. He would have at least signed out of Twitter. Oh well, his fault, I thought.

I opened up a new tweet and started typing, "My bestest friend forever is Ali Cowell and I'll always love her, even more than my hairspray and mirrors! @AliCowell1d" I took a picture of me doing a really weird face and attached it to the tweet before hitting send. Within seconds, it had hundreds of retweets and replies already. I laughed at how much the fans were freaking out.

After reading some replies and sending a few more tweets on Zayn's account, I decided it was time to get out and let Zayn text Perrie before she got mad or something. I may or may not have read the texts they were sending about wanting to go out later... I'll have to remind Zayn to use protection, and that I want to meet her.

More importantly, I was starting to get hungry again. I hadn't eating for almost three hours! I was starving!

I crawled back to the door of my closet and opened it up slowly peaking out to see if anyone was waiting. I could't see Zayn or Harry anywhere so I just guessed that they went downstairs. The other boys were still on the x-box, so I opened the door and stepped out.

Almost immediately, I was tackled by two people coming at my from both sides. I screamed and we all fell on the floor with me being held captive.

"Harry, let go of me," I whined to him. When the curly haired boy shook his head I began trying to get him off, but it was useless.

Meanwhile, Zayn stood up and triumphantly held up his phone. "I've got it back and you're never getting your hands on it again!" ge said. Then he walked away and flopped back on the bed without even helping me with getting Harry off.

"Louis, help me please?" I asked the boy shooting at people on the screen.

He quickly turned his head to look at me and laughed. "You should get Niall to help you," he said turning back to face the screen.

My cheeks burned bright red and I hid my face in Harry's chest. Finally I took my head out and he was laughing hard at my reaction to what Louis had said. I scowled and finally said, "Niall?"


"Help me? Pretty pretty please?" I gave him my best puppy face as he turned around to look at me.

He looked a bit mad when he saw Harry on me for a second, but quickly covered it up with a smile. "What happened this time?" Niall said as he got up and walked over to me.

"I may or may not have stolen Zayn's phone and gotten ambushed when I came out of hiding," I quickly said.

Niall laughed and pulled Harry off of me. Surprisingly, Harry didn't fight him off like I thought he would. He's probably still hungover from last night. Once I was upright, Niall looked up at me and asked, "Want to go get somethin' from the kitchen?"

"Yes!" I said excitedly. "Will you give me a piggy back ride down?"

Niall sighed at my request, but he was still smiling. He bent down and I hopped onto his back. He walked to my door and called out to the other boys, "We're going downstairs to get some food!"

Niall got a few grunts in response, but that was it. He opened up the door and ran downstairs with me laughing on his back and screaming for him to slow down. Of course he ignored me, but at least I was getting fed after this.

When we entered the kitchen, I sat down on one of the barstools. "I'm going to order a pizza. Is that okay, Ali?" Niall asked once I sat down.

"Yeah, that's fine Nialler. Order some for the boys, too. They'll probably want some once they see that we have it," I said to him.

Niall called up the pizza place and ordered several large pizzas for everyone to share. Once he was finished, we decided to watch Finding Nemo, which was playing on TV.


And that's my first update of 2013!!! Yay!!!! Even though it is a little suckish.. Last year went way to fast.. It still feels like it's March

And 1600 reads?!?! Oh my god. I am speechless. Thank you to everyone who has read this story :)

Anyway, i guess you could say i'm pretty damn happy right now :) been listening to my country music again :P

Okay, so my best friend, Jenna joined this site about a month ago. She has a fan fiction of One Direction up called "Learning to Fly" and so far, it is amazing. It's a Harry story, so maybe it will help get your minds off haylor :( Her username is @Swimming_1D so go read her story!

Btw, this chapter is dedicated to @veerle96 :) always the first to comment! I was going to dedicate a chapter to you a little while back, but i forgot sorry!

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