Chapter 15

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Once the elevator stopped moving, we stepped out and began walking down the hall. My dad stopped in front of a dark wood door and turned the handle. The door swung open and he ushered us inside, closing the door behind us. Once the door was completely closed, my dad motioned for us to take one of the plush seats in front of his desk.

After we had been seated, my dad leaned back in his black swivel chair and said, "So, Alison, I have something to offer you. I already asked the boys and they seemed to be quite happy about it, but we wanted to see how you would feel."

I started becoming a bit nervous then. I hoped he wouldn't make me do something embarrassing like dancing or singing or something else that I will never be able to do.

"Well, the boys and I wanted to know how you would feel about joining them on tour."

My mouth practically dropped to the floor as I stared at my father with wide eyes. No way. No fucking way had he just asked me to go on tour with One Direction. One Direction! I mean, I know I've know them for a little while now and we're basically best friends, but this is every Directioner's dream come true!

I turned to Niall and worriedly asked, "Are you sure you want me coming?"

"Are ya serious? O' course we want ya to come," Niall said with a grin on his face.

So I turned to my dad and with a huge smile on my face said, "Yeah, I do want to go."

"Well, then that's settled. The tour starts in February, which we need to begin preparing for. Niall, you and the boys will be watching out for my girl," he said as I blushed at the last part of his order.

"Sure, Uncle Si," Niall said.

Then my father said, "Alison, I just want to warn you that you may be getting attention from the publicity or some hate on Twitter from the fans. I don't want you to be overwhelmed, but if things become too much, please do tell me. I'll try my hardest to control it."

I smiled at my dad and got up from my chair. I walked around his desk and bent over to give him a big hug and I mumbled in his ear, "Thank you so much."

As I walked over, Niall added, "And the lads and I will be makin' sure it doesn't get outta control."

Once I hugged my dad, I leaned over to Niall and whispered another thank you and kissed his cheek. When I pulled away, his cheeks had turned a light shade of pink.


When Niall and I got back to the house, we walked into the living room only to see the other 4/5 of One Direction lying in various positions across the room. Harry was lying upside down, half on the couch and half on the floor, and it seemed like he was sleeping. Liam was watching Toy Story 2 and a stack of Disney movies next to him. Zayn sat in the corner eating a bowl of cereal. I looked at Louis and he was holding my hair straightener trying to straighten Harry's curls while snickering to himself.

"Louis, what are ya doin', mate?" the Irish boy next to me asked.

Louis snapped his head up so fast looking at us with a guilty look. When he realized it was just Niall and I, every bit of guiltiness left his face and began snickering again. Ha, sweet boys, my ass.

"Lou, why do you have my straightener?" I tried questioning the boy since he didn't answer Niall's question.

He looked up at me with an innocent look on his face. "I wanted to straighten Harry's hair," the Doncaster boy answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"And why did you want to straighten his hair?"

"Because," Louis dramatically said, "Last time I did it, he started crying. I want to see what his reaction would be if I did it now."

I shook my head at him and plopped down on the couch next to Harry. "Just don't burn yourself," I warned him. "Or Harry," I added afterwards.

Just then, Harry gave out a loud shout and shot up from his lying position. "Ow! What the hell just burned me?!" the once curly haired boy asked looking around the room. Louis carefully slid across the floor until he was behind the couch and then continued moving into the kitchen. Once he reached the hallway, he got up and made a break for it, running up the stairs, most likely into my room.

Harry looked down at the floor and saw the hair straightener still plugged in. His face portrayed fear as he raised his large hands up to his hair. Hesitantly he lowered them onto his hair and as soon as he noticed his lack of curls, he fell onto his knees yelling, "No! My beautiful curls!"

He curled up into a ball on the floor, howling out in agony. Liam turned around from watching his movie and said, "Shut up, mate."

Harry stopped screaming for a minute to glare at Liam and say, "You try having your precious curls straightened."

Liam gave him a look and retorted, "Well, I did do it for almost three years."

Harry stuck his tongue out and said, "This is different."

"Whatever keeps you happy, mate," Liam sighed turning back to the movie.

Zayn was still in the corner eating his cereal like nothing had happened, completely ignoring the situation still lying on the floor. As I watched Harry still lying on the floor, trying to figure out what to do, Zayn spoke up and told him, "Haz, this is just another stop on the roller coaster that is life."

Harry slowly lifted his head off of the floor and glared at Zayn. Within seconds, he had jumped onto his feet and went barreling towards Zayn. The boy with the cereal jumped onto his feet, but realized he was cornered too late. As Harry was about to grab him, Zayn looked down at his cereal before lifting the bowl up and dumping its contents onto the Chesire boy's head.

Harry froze in place with his hands outstretched towards Zayn, who gave him a cheeky smile before also making a break for it, much like Louis had. Niall was rolling around on the floor laughing his head off at the trio and Liam... Well Liam was still completely immersed in the world of Toy Story, not even realizing what was going on behind him, which made the scene even more funny.

Harry was still frozen, but after a couple minutes, he cane back to us and slowly turned around. His face was furious, but the Lucky Charms and milk dripping from his hair ruined the effect. "Ali, do something. They're all meanies," Harry whined, his face forming a pout now.

"I don't know if I want to get involved in this," I told him. I honestly did not want to be in between a war with the One Direction boys, but it seemed it had only just gotten started.

"But Ali, Lou straightened my hair! And then Zayn poured his cereal on me," he said getting down on his knees and pretty much begging me now.

"Well, look on the bright side. Your curls are coming back," I said giving him a small smile.

His face held shock in it. It's not like I lied to him. The milk was making his hair get all curly and messy again, but it probably wasn't the time to tell him that. Oh well, too late now.

Upon hearing my remark, Niall had burst into even more laughter commenting, "It's true, go look at yerself in a mirror!"

Harry got up to storm out of the room before he saw Zayn and Louis now dressed in completely black and carrying large, bright green water guns into the kitchen.

"This is war!" Harry yelled before running to the fridge and yanking it open as Zayn and Louis started spraying him.

Harry grabbed an egg carton and pulled the eggs out and began chucking them at his two enemies. Harry jumped onto Louis' back and started cracking eggs in his hair. Before he could do the same to Zayn, the Bradford boy ran out of the kitchen screaming, "Not the hair! Anything but the hair!"

I looked at all of them before shrugging and saying, "Oh, what the hell." I jumped over the back of the couch I was sitting on and ran over to the fridge. Luckily, there were two unopened cans of whipped cream in there. I grabbed both and went back over to the living room. "Niall, get off your Irish ass and help me beat those idiots!" I say tossing him one of the cans of whipped cream. No one gets to destroy the inside of my house during a war without my help.

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