Chapter 8

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"Oooh, Ali! Come over here!" Niall said excitedly pointing out into the huge city at a building. He had taken me up onto the London Eye which was amazing! As we went around, he pointed different parts of the city out to me. "And that place right there, is my favorite place in the entire world, Nandos. Love it there." As Niall was saying that, he got this dreamy look on his face, just from thinking about the place.

"I've never been to Nandos. There aren't any in America that I live anywhere near."

As I continued to look out the huge wall of glass, I heard Niall gasp beside me. "You've never been to Nandos?! You've missed out on so much in this life! I'm taking you there as soon as we get off of this thing!" he exclaimed.

"Okay," I said laughing a little at his passion for the restaurant. I was pretty hungry, like I always am so I'd be glad to get some food after this. And I'd make sure that he wouldn't pay for me this time. Niall had payed for everything for me so far, even though I had told him not to do that. I smiled at how sweet his actions were, though.

Niall calmed down a little as the Nandos that we had just seen disappeared from sight and new places came into view. "What are you smiling at?" he asked me with a smile on his own face. God, I've always loved that smile. People always said that pictures didn't do the boys any justice and I could see what they meant. Whether this boy had crooked or straight teeth, he was completely perfect.

I got myself out of my daze long enough to answer back to Niall, "Because you've been so sweet today, buying me everything I wanted, taking me up hear, and taking me out to eat to. You really didn't have to pay for me at all."

Niall shook his head and said, "But I wanted to."

"And that's why you're the sweetest guy I know," I told the blue eyed boy while giving him a small hug.


"Oh my god, Niall, that was amazing!" I said as we walked out of Nandos.

"Yeah, that's why it's my favorite kind of food," Niall said as we headed down the street.

"I could tell. You ordered so much food, Ni!" I teased him.

He laughed at me and just shrugged his shoulders a little. "What can I say? I'm boy that loves his food."

I smiled at him and said back, "Finally someone who shares my love for food!"

As we walked in front of a candy store, Niall stopped to look at all the candy in the window. He was practically about to start drooling, but was interrupted from his little daydream about the candy when I grabbed his arm. Within a minute, we were both surrounded by paparazzi shouting questions and flashing cameras.

Niall grabbed my hand as he quickly pulled me through the paparazzi and we began running. I was out of breath really quickly but kept going until we reached an alley that Niall pulled me into. He pulled out his phone and was calling the bodyguard or one of the boys.

When Niall hung up, he said, "I'm sorry they came and ruined the day, Ali."

I gave Niall a small smile and replied, "It's okay, Nialler. I had a great day with you anyway."

"Paul, our bodyguard is coming to get us. He should be here in about ten minutes, I think," Niall said to me.

Niall and I just stood there in silence until Paul came and Niall pulled me out of the alley as fast as he could in case we got caught again. This whole time he had never let go of my hand and when he realized that he immediately let go and started mumbling sorry over and over.

I smiled at how cute it was and blushed a lot, but I told him, "It's fine, Niall. I didn't mind."

When we were in the car, Niall finally looked up from his sneakers and I could see that he was lightly blushing. He gave me a smile before Paul interrupted saying, "Enough with your flirting. If Simon sees you flirting with her, he will kill you."

Niall immediately looked back down at his shoes and blushed bright red from when Paul told him to stop flirting and I giggled at his actions. This boy was so freaking cute. I already liked him, and as more than a friend.

I turned away from Niall and looked up at Paul, who was driving the car. "Hi, I'm Ali. I'm Simon's daughter," I introduced myself.

Paul smiled, but couldn't look back and said, "Hello, Ali. I'm Paul Higgins, One Direction's bodyguard. And I know you're Simon's daughter. He hasn't stopped talking about you. He's really happy that you're living with him."

"Oh, wow. I didn't know Dad talked about me a lot," I said blushing a little.

"All the time, Ali," Paul said back to me.

I smiled and was secretly glad that he was so happy to have me with him. I was also really happy to be living with him, but I never expected him to do as much as he has already for me.


I know this is pretty short, but I wanted to get it up today. I promise that I will have a better and longer chapter within a few days.

Also, please don't be silent readers! Tell me what you like and what you're not liking so far. If I have any mistakes, please tell me!

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