Chapter 6

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For the second time today, my dad shook me awake from my sleep. I opened my eyes and he was standing in front of me. "We're in London now Alison. Time to get off the plane and head home," my dad said smiling.

I stood up and stretched my arms and legs a bit which were stiff from sleeping in the seat for so long. Once I finished my dad and I grabbed our bags from overhead and started walking off the plane.

We got off and went to grab our luggage before heading over to a man in a suit and black sunglasses holding a sign that said 'Mr. Cowell.' We walked over to him pulling my 3 huge suitcases and dad's single small one. When we reached the man he said, "Hello, Mr. and Miss Cowell. Right this way to the limo." He took one of my suitcases from us which made things a little easier.

When we reached the limo, the man put our luggage in and then we climbed in. It was pretty nice in there with the sound system and mini fridge but I felt like I was going to break something if I touched it. I had a pretty bad history of being clumsy. Because of that I couldn't really wear heals and wore my converses or boots with almost everything.

While we were still driving, my dad said, "So, I'll be home today, but tomorrow I don't know if I'll be at the office late or not. If you want to walk around the city, you can and I could have my boys escort you so that you don't get lost and so that you can meet each other. They have off tomorrow anyway and probably would've spent it on the couch."

I laughed and said, "Yeah, I'd like that. It would be cool to be able to finally meet the idols of millions of girls."

My dad smiled at that and said, "I'll leave my credit card for you with the cook since you probably don't have any of our money. I can introduce you to her when we get to the house."

"Cool. Is the cook the only person that works in the house?"

"No, I have a driver too, who also stays in the house. They can keep you company along with all the boys. She's like another mother to them. Niall especially loves her since she's an amazing cook," dad said while chuckling when he mentioned Niall.

"Seems nice. Maybe I can learn some things from her about cooking."

"You like to cook?" my dad asked.

"Yeah, I actually love cooking, but Mom was never the best at that so... Yeah."

"Well then our cook will definitely be able to help you become better," dad said smiling.

After five minutes in silence, we pulled up to a huge set of gates connected to a fence surrounding an enormous house. My mouth fell open and I stared at it in shock as dad said, "Welcome home, Alison."

"No way. You gotta be kidding me. There is no way that I'm going to be living here," I said in reply.

"You don't like it?" dad said in a confused and disappointed tone.

"No, I love it! I just hope nothing is really breakable because that will be destroyed by the end of the week."

"Trust me, everything breakable was removed when my boys started coming around here more often. They're here a lot. In fact, I wouldn't be too surprised if they're inside right now. Paul probably parked out back if they are," dad said.

"Oh god, I can't meet One Direction looking like this! I just got off a plane after sleeping for a few hours!"

"Don't worry Alison, you look fine," dad assured me as we got out of the car. We pulled out my luggage and walked towards the huge wooden front door. He opened it up and walked in calling out, "Steph? You here?"

I heard a woman's voice yell back, "In the kitchen with the boys!"

Oh no. That means the One Direction boys were here right now. My dad and I dropped the luggage we were holding in what I'm guessing is the living room and walked into what was basically my dream kitchen. Huge, modern, and had everything you could ever dream of using. Sitting at the island in the middle of the kitchen were 4/5 of One Direction. Harry was standing by the stove stirring something in a pan.

Once we walked in, every boy in the room turned around and when they saw my father, they went running to him screaming, "Uncle Simon! You're back!" After every boy attacked him with hugs a middle aged woman with brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and green eyes went up to my dad and gave him a big hug saying, "Welcome back, Si. We all missed you."

When she let go, the boys noticed me and smiled. Dad said, "Boys, I'd like you to meet my daughter, Alison. Alison, these are my boys, Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall."

They all smiled and said, "Hello, Alison."

"Hi. You can call me Ali if you want." They came up to me and each gave me a huge hug, which surprised me a little. Niall was the last one to hug me, and he seemed to hold on a little longer than the other boys did.

My dad coughed after a minute and Niall immediately let go looking embarrassed. It was so cute the way he was blushing so hard! I wanted to just go up to him and give him another big hug, but my dad probably wouldn't like that too much.

Dad spoke up saying, "Alison, this is the amazing cook in the house, Stephanie Jackson. Stephanie, this is my beautiful daughter, Alison."

Stephanie walked up to me and pulled me into a warm hug and said, "Everyone calls me Steph though."

I smiled and said, "And everyone calls me Ali."

She laughed and said, "So are you hungry? Tired? The flight must have been long."

"Always hungry, Steph. And I actually slept a lot on the plane so I think that I'm good for now."

My dad chuckled when I said I was always hungry. "You should have seen how much she ate for breakfast. I don't know when the last time I saw a girl eat that much was."

The boys looked at me and laughed. Louis said, "Well how much did you eat?"

I shrugged as my dad said, "She ate almost the entire plate of pancakes her mother made."

Everyone in the room looked at me in shock and I just shrugged. "A girl's gotta eat."

Harry laughed and nudged Niall saying, "It's true love, mate."

Niall blushed as everyone laughed at him. Aww, so cute. His brilliant blue eyes looked up into my and held my gaze as I also started blushing. I finally broke it when I looked down at the ground and shuffled my feet a bit.

Steph seemed to notice what just happened between Niall and I and gave me a look that meant we were going to be talking about that later. Over the laughter of the boys, she said, "Let's have some of that stir fry Harry and I made now, yeah?"

As we all cheered and headed over to the dining room table, I caught Niall's gaze again and blushed looking at the ground. Damn, why was he so cute?


Hey guys!

Updated today finally haha :)

First, thank you so so so so much for all of the reads I've gotten. Almost 200!!! :)

Second, thank you for all the votes!! I really appreciate it

Comment on what you think and don't forget to vote!

Happy Thanksgiving :)

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