Chapter 14

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For the next two hours, Niall sat in the living room of my house and taught me how to use my iPhone. I knew how to text and go on twitter, but according to him, there was an art to using it. I worry about him...

"Nialllll, I don't understand why you made me get this. I mean, it is a pointless game!"

The boy next to me gasped and with a horrified look, said, "Don't talk about Fruit Ninja like that! Soon, Harry and I will have you addicted to that!"

Ha. Like they could get me addicted to a stupid game. "Hey Niall, do you know if the boys were going to come back here or what?"

"Absolutely no idea, love. They all just ran out and told me to stay here until I manned up. No idea what that meant, though," he said with a mixture of amusement and confusion on his face.

Probably teasing him about that dream that I accidentally told them about... "Oh. Uh, yeah... That is a bit weird, but not unlike them though," I said faking a small smile. Didn't need Niall finding out I had been having dreams about him just yet.

"True," he said in reply.

I stood up from my seat on the couch and walked out to the kitchen. Too bad Steph wasn't here. I really need to find some girl friends my age. Being around the boys all day wouldn't help anything at all. I might start turning into them if that happens. And trust me; you do not want another one of them. One of them is more than enough to handle, but then multiply that times five and they're pretty much impossible. I don't know how my dad does it, to be honest. I thought they would have driven him crazy, but they really do seem to love each other. This reminded me that Louis had said my dad wanted to see me... I guess that I could just take Niall with me and get Tom to drive me to the studio.

I grabbed a granola bar from one of the cabinets and walked back out into the living room where Niall was now sprawled across the floor. I smiled and shook my head a bit saying to him, "Hey Ni, Lou said my dad wanted to see me. Do you mind going up to the studio for a bit to see him with me?"

"I'd love to, Ali," he said with a smile. "I think that he's recording with Cher today, but she's almost done her album and your dad probably wouldn't mind if it was you."

"And how do you know?"

"Uh, well ya see," he said scratching the back of his neck with a slight blush on his face.

"It's fine, I was just teasing. Let's go!" I said grabbing a hold of his arm and trying to pull him up from the floor.

"Alrigh, alrigh, calm yourself woman," he grumbled pulling himself up from the floor after I majorly failed.

I ran out the back door and over to the little cabin that extended off the garage where Tom was most of the day. Knocking on the door, I thought about how I would be getting back at the boys for purposely leaving me alone with Niall. Knowing them, one of them was probably at least watching our movements at all times and reporting to the others.

Oh well, I thought. I'll probably just have to deal with some of their questioning later.

Tom opened the door and I lifted my eyes up from the ground. "Hey, Tom. I was wondering if you could drive Niall and me to the studio where my dad is," I questioned.

"Sure, Miss Ali," Tom said before turning back into the cabin to grab the keys.

Tom and I walked over to the black car and once it was unlocked, I shouted, "Shotgun!"

Niall said it a second too late, which made him pout because he didn't get shotgun. After a moment though, he was back to smiling crazily at everything like he always does.

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