Chapter 5

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I was woken up by Simon gently shaking my shoulder. "Wake up Alison, we're at the airport." My eyes fluttered open and I saw my dad sitting next to me in the driver's seat of the car. I sat up and looked out my window and saw that we were the parking lot to the airport. Dad got out on his side and came around to open the door for me. Once the door was open, I climbed out and thanked my dad. Then we both opened the trunk of the car and grabbed our bags. We walked into the airport and immediately went over to go through security and everything because we were running a bit late. Once we got through all the security, dad and I sat down to wait for our plane to be called.

"Are you excited to be going to England?" my dad asked.

"Yeah, I've always wanted to go and live there. It seems like a really fun city," I replied.

"Yeah, it is. Do you like One Direction?" he randomly asked me.

"Yeah they're my favorite band ever! Why?"

"Oh, because I've told the boys about you and they really want to meet you," Simon calmly said.

"No way! One Direction wants to meet me?!"

"Yes, the boys love their fans and you are my daughter so you would get to hang out with them a lot if you all like each other."

"Yay! Thank you so much!" I said while giving Simon a huge hug. "I can't wait to meet the boys. They seem like they're going to be a ton of fun."

After dad told me that I would be able to meet the boys, I couldn't get the huge smile off my face. I just really hope they like me. I didn't even think that my dad would be talking about me to them. I mean, I am his daughter and he's their manager, but still. I get to meet One Direction!

After about 5 more minutes of waiting, our plane was called to board so Dad and I went to get on. When we got on, there was almost nobody else in their because dad had gotten us first class tickets. I've never even been on a plane before mostly because I never liked them, and I actually preferred the ground to the air unlike others. Hopefully I don't go crazy in the plane during lift off. As the plane began going down the runway at an incredible speed, I gripped onto my armrests and squeezed my eyes shut. I heard my dad chuckle and say, "First time on a plane?" I nodded my head and without opening my eyes I knew he was still smiling and shaking his head at me. I can't help it if I love the ground. In fact, right now, I can't wait to get back on it. A few minutes later, I felt that it was finally safe for me to open my eyes. I looked out the window and saw all the clouds. "Oh my god. They look so fluffy! Like a bunny! I wish I could touch one," I said in awe with my hand on the glass of the window.

My dad looked at me and started laughing. "You are definitely going to get along with the boys."

I just continued staring at the clouds for another 5 minutes before I got bored and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I just stared at it wanting to throw it at a wall because I couldn't do anything on it. I would have to get a new one in the UK anyway because mine won't get service. Stupid phone. I put it back in my pocket and pulled out my iPod to listen to some music. I had a pretty good variety of music on it so I just put it on shuffle and fell asleep.

I woke up several hours later because I really had to pee. Really badly. I looked over and saw that my dad had fallen asleep so I moved past him as quietly as I could and practically sprinted to the bathroom. Once I got there, there was somebody else in the bathroom. Seriously?! I mean, come on. When they get out of that bathroom, I'm going to be a very upset girl. I started dancing around because I had to go so badly and could barely hold it in. As I was in the middle of dancing in a circle, a heavyset middle-aged woman stepped out of the bathroom and immediately, I pushed her down, jumped over her body and ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I could hear her moaning on the floor trying to get up but I honestly don't care right now. She kept me from the bathroom. Once I finished I washed and dried my hands before opening the door and calmly walking out. The woman had gotten off of the ground, but now everyone in the cabin was staring at me. Awkward.. Oh well. She shouldn't have been in my way. I got back to my seat and sat down. Surprisingly, dad had slept through the whole bathroom episode. Hopefully nobody would tell him about that...

I put my earphones back into my ears and got into a comfortable position. As I was listening to one of One Direction's songs, I fell into a deep sleep.


Thank you so much for all of the reads guys! I really appreciate it!

Also, thanks for everyone who has voted for my chapters so far and all my fans :)

Btw, this chapter is dedicated to one of my main inspirations for writing and one of my all tome favorite authors on wattpad, MakeupMaddie. I love her writing so much and she is just such an amazing person. Recently she tried to attempt suicide, and now she is in the hospital. Please pray for her everyone! If she ever left, I have no idea what I would do. :'(

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