Chapter 2

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I looked back and forth between my mother and Simon a few times before I said, "Excuse me?"

My mom looked over at Simon for reassurance and he gave her a nod. She looked at me and said, "Simon Cowell is your father. We dated when we were younger and as you can probably tell uwe got a little far in our relationship. Then he left me because of his career and a few weeks later, I found out I was pregnant with you. I was scared to tell him, and by the time I had you, I decided that it was time to tell him that he had a daughter. I told him that he didn't need to help me raise you because he was so busy, but he insisted on sending money to help me raise you. Last night, Simon called me and told me that he wanted to be able to see his daughter and maybe have you visit him for a little while. Then Dan told me that you wanted to move out and Simon and I decided that if you wanted to, you could move to London with him."

I looked at Simon to see if he actually meant it when he said that I could move in with him. He looked up at me and said, "So Alison, would you like to move to London with me?"

"Are you being serious?" I asked him. When he nodded, I ran across the kitchen and attacked him with a huge hug and said, "Yeah, I would love to move to London with you.. Dad."

Simon smiled at me and said, "You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that, Alison."

I gave him another hug and said, "You have no idea how long I've wanted to be able to see you and say that to you."

My mom stood up from where she was sitting and smiled at the two of us and said, "I know that you want to stay here and get to know each other better, but Ali, you need to go upstairs and get dressed. You also need to start getting everything packed because you're leaving to go to London tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?! I have to start packing! There's so much stuff!" I said as I ran out of the kitchen. I could hear mom and Simon laughing as I ran up to my room.

When I got in there, I pulled on a pair of tealish skinny jeans and a long sleeve shirt with the batman sign on it. I pulled on a pair of grey boots and put on one of my One Direction bracelets that said "I love Liam" on it. I brushed my long curly brown hair and put it into a fishtail braid. I pulled on some other bracelets and put in my pearl earrings. Once I was done with that, I went into the bathroom and put my contacts in. I figured that I didn't really need makeup because I wouldn't really be going anywhere today so I skipped that. I looked at myself in the mirror and figured that this was as good as I was going to get today. I mean, I'm not really that pretty. I'm really short at only 5'1" and I have an average sized body, with not too many curves. I have long wavy brown hair and dark brown eyes. My skin isn't really tan, but it's not really pale either. A lot of people have told me that I'm really pretty, but I don't really believe them.

After looking at myself in the mirror, I opened up my closet door and pulled out my 3 huge suitcases. I set them on my bed and opened them all up so I could just throw stuff in. First I put my iPod on the speakers and set it on shuffle. The first song that came on was Taylor Swift's new song Red. I danced over to my bureau and picked out an outfit tomorrow and set it off to the side. Then I began to pull out all my other clothes and pack them into the suitcases. I also grabbed all my shoes and threw them into the case as well. Once I was done with my clothes, I walked into my bathroom and packed everything up except my makeup and stuck that in my suitcase. I got my straightener and wrapped that up before putting it into the suitcase that had all of my beauty products and feminine stuff in there. And yes, I did need a whole suitcase for all of that. In my third suitcase, I put some books, and a few more clothes and basically everything else in my room that I wanted to bring. I also put my laptop in there and some other little things that I had in my room and wanted to bring with me. Once I was done packing, it was a little past noon and my room was looking pretty bare. I'd miss this place, but being able to live my dad would hopefully be more fun than this boring town in Pennsylvania.

I walked downstairs and saw that nobody else was home. Oh well, I guess they all went somewhere to catch up or something. I decided to make myself a peanut butter sandwich. As I was making it, my phone started ringing, but I didn't have it with me. "Oh shit, where'd I put it?" I said to myself. Suddenly I remembered I had left it on the couch from the night before so I went and grabbed it. I saw that my best friend Hazel was calling so I quickly picked it up and said "Hey."

"Hey Ali, what's up?" Hazel said to me.

"Uh, nothing much really. Just chilling at home right now."

"Cool. I was wondering if you were doing anything tomorrow because some of the other girls wanted to go clubbing."

Unlike me, Hazel actually looked 21, even though she was only 18, so she could get into a club. I just had a fake ID and always had to go through the dumb jokes about my height and how I didn't look 21 at all. It was the most annoying thing ever. "Actually, Hazel, I can't. I'm really sorry. And I need to tell you something, so could you come over soon?"

Hazel replied, "It's okay, hun. And yeah, I'll be over in about 10 minutes."

"Kay, see ya soon." I said before hanging up the phone. I felt sorry for whoever was on the road the same time Hazel was driving a car. She was the worst and craziest driver I ever met. She ignores half the signs on the road, constantly speeds, and will even decide to make her own little 'law' when she doesn't like the ones on the road. I honestly don't know how that girl has never gotten a ticket before.

I put my crappy, old phone into my pocket and walked back into the kitchen to eat my sandwich. As soon as I was finished, I heard Hazel come into the house and shouted, "In the kitchen!"

She came into my kitchen and said, "What up ma homie?"

I shot her a look and said, "Um.. Well, my dad stopped by.."

She screamed, "No way! He finally came to see you after all this time?! So tell me who he is!"

I faced her and leaned against the countertop. "You'll never believe me if I tell you who my dad is."

"Oh come on Ali, you know I would believe you."

I said, "Fine. Promise you won't freak out."

"I promise!"

"Okay, so uh.. My dad is Simon Cowell.."

"Oh my god! You're dad is Simon Cowell?! That is so cool!"

"Yeah, I guess it's pretty cool. But guess what? I'm moving to London with him tomorrow!"

"Aw, I'm going to miss you so much, girl. But you will Skype me and call me all the time, right? And promise that you won't forget about me?"

I gave Hazel a hug and said, "Yeah, I'll Skype you all the time. And I could never forget about my little chipmunk! You better not be forgetting about me either!"

"Don't even think about me forgetting you because it would never happen. Now, before it gets too sad and we start to cry and it becomes like a scene in a movie, let's go do something fun for our last day together!"

"Yay! We should go to Knoebel's! I love that place so much and I probably won't be able to go for a long time!" I said giving Hazel my puppy dog face.

She looked at me and said, "Alright! But if we get yelled at by the police in there again, I don't know if we'll be able to stay again. They know us pretty well already."

I laughed at her. Yeah, we did get yelled at by the police in an amusement park. We didn't even do anything bad. We just jumped on one of the benches by a ride and started dancing crazily. We've also gotten some pretty weird looks in that place too. Once we decided to walk around and see what it would be like if we didn't have knees, so of course, we had to walk around without bending our knees at all. While we were in the middle of doing that, a girl came up to us and asked us if it was a dare. And all the time, we gallop around pretending that we're horses, or we'll just randomly start talking like pirates to each other. It's always a lot of fun there.

I grabbed my wristlet with my money in it and made sure I had my cell phone before grabbing Hazel's hand and running out my front door telling her, "Don't worry! This time, we won't do anything too stupid!"

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