Chapter 14

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A few days earlier

Elena was driving to Mystic Falls with Henrick she needed time away as shitty as it as she couldn't take it and she needed to see someone she knew would be honest with her. She pulled up in front of Bonnie's house she got him out and went and knocked on the door. She knew that leving wasn't the right thing to do but she didn't know what else she was supposed to do.

Bonnie came and opened it she knew Elena was a vampire and that she needed to be invited in. She was happy to see her again it had been to long."Hey come in."

Elena walked in with henrick in her arms."Thanks for letting me come visit i needed someone to talk to. Who will be honest and not try to sugar coat my feelings."

Elena layed Henrick Down on the couch since he was still fast asleep. And sat on a chair across from where Bonnie had just sat."So what happened?" She didn't get why Elena would just drive miles with her son to come talk to her for a day or two.

"Some girl just showed up and said somethings. Me and Kol started dating after i had him and then-"

"Some girl showed up and you ran." Bonnie took a breath she got why Elena came here. But running away from her problems weren't going to help her that just made it worse."No one knew did they?"

"Hayley texted me and told me she was trying to prove a point but i was already almost here and i wasn't turning around." She knew that running away wasn't a good idea but she didn't know what else she was supposed to do she was scared and angry and she didn't want to get hurt again."People can do that say something use the right words and then my whole world starts to crumble."

"But do you think he would ever do that to you?"

Elena shook her head. She didn't think that he would she hoped that he wouldn't but she'd had bad luck with guys and she didn't want to get hurt."I don't but the girl she said everything right she knew he wasn't there she knew he was supposed to be with Hayley she knew i was his baby mama and i just broke inside."

"Elena i doubt that he would hurt you or Henrick like that you gave him a child his first one in a thousand years what are those other whores going to give him. You love him and i bet he loves you and i don't think that he is going to jeporadize that for another girl."

She hated being insecure this is something that Caroline would due she was always confident and sure of herself but she wasn't so sure anymore."I'm insecure i shared a face with two other people. I'm scared that he's going to up and decide that he doesn't want a family anymore and that he wants someone else."

"Hey he's not going to leave you for someone else. Elena you are enough and i doubt he is going to leave his only son for another girl that is only going to be capable of sex. Elena isn't he always there."

"Yes" Elena sighed.


"He's great with him."


"He loves me but i'm-"

She didn't want Elena to doubt his feeling from her she knew that he;d be stupid to do that to her. "Ah stop stop with the self doubt he loves you and even if no one knows anywhere he is not going to do that"

"I love him and i just don't want to be alone."

"Stay here for a couple days you could use the time by yourself. Go back in a couple days and talk to him"



There is one more chapter + the epilouge

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